Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 28, 2016

Supervisors seek help with litter law enforcement

By Rupert Howell
Panola County supervisors discussed litter along roadsides during a recent meeting and decided to meet with law enforcement and county Justice Court judges to decide how to address the problem.
That meeting is set for the Monday, February 8 supervisors’ meeting in Batesville.
Road manager Lygunnah Bean said the litter needs to be picked up before grass starts, growing noting roadside cutters would scatter the debris even further.
“We lost prisoners. (We) had two crews, now only one,” Bean said adding, “They were keeping up pretty good.”
He was referring to changes last year in the state/county inmate program that allowed the county to be paid for boarding state inmates. The county was paid a boarding fee by the state and those inmates were used for picking up roadside litter, maintaining county-owned grounds and buildings and other duties.
That boarding fee was cut but the Mississippi Department of Corrections continues to pay for medical expenses of state inmates on the work program according to Sheriff Department administrator Robbie Haley.
Haley also confirmed that the county continues to have two crews working on roadside litter.
At last week’s supervisors meeting, several board members expressed the need for action with supervisors asking for a meeting with law enforcement officers assigned for helping to enforce litter and dumping laws and Justice Court Judges who would be responsible for hearing littering cases and assessing fines.
District One Supervisor James Birge stated, “Every stop (sign) they throw it (litter) out.”
Other suggestions included hiring summer workers to help clean up roadsides.
Prior to taking office, newly elected Justice Court Judge Charlie Baglan mentioned roadside garbage and litter as a matter of concern.

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