Noah’s Law Letter to Editor – 1/23/2015
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Law needed to limit sale of caffeine
My name is Jennifer Westmoreland. I am the mother of a 17-year-old Water Valley high school senior, Noah Smith, who died September 26, 2014 from taking two caffeine pills.
I am begging the public to please help Noah’s family’s effort to send as many emails as you can to your state representative and senator saying that you support Noah’s Law and you expect them to as well.
Noah’s Law is to stop the sale of caffeine pills and energy drinks to minors. My son’s death was not the first from these products nor was it the last. Tragically another family lost their child right after Christmas.
We as parents and voters have to let our voices be heard that we expect the lawmakers to help us protect our children. As it stands right now there is no age limit on buying energy drinks or caffeine pills in Mississippi.
Your child, grandchild, nephew, or niece could be the next victim. My son is gone but I refuse to let his death be in vain. I will continue to fight for this for my other children and all the children of Mississippi.
Please join in this fight to help save the lives of our children of Mississippi.
Email addresses:
Congressman Steven Palazzo:
Russell Jolly:
Senator Gray Tollison:
State Representative Tommy Reynolds:
House of Representatives: