Batesville Municipal Court 10/24/2014
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 24, 2014
By Emily D. Williams
Judge Bill McKenzie agreed with a defendant that selling his vehicle may be in his best interest after being fined during Batesville Municipal Court held Wednesday.
Albert W. Blackburn, 331 V Ranza Rd., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to DUI, no tag, driving while license suspended and no proof of insurance. Blackburn owes $1,992 in fines.
In addition, Blackburn was enrolled in a MASEP class.
“If you drive up there, you will be arrested,” the judge warned.
As of September 30 the DUI laws in Mississippi changed. The new law allows first-time offenders a chance to request an ignition interlock device to be installed for 90 days instead of serving a license suspension.
The device, installed on a car’s dashboard, prevents the engine from starting if a breath sample from the driver indicates the blood-alcohol content is above the legal limit. The cost of the ignition interlock is borne by the offender.
Proposed rules and procedures for implementing the new law are still being worked out by state agencies, according to a story in the Sun Herald.
Proposed regulations cap associated costs for the device at $150 for installation, $100 for a monthly monitoring fee and $70 for inspection, calibration or repairs.
Since Blackburn’s license is already suspended for owing child support, this law may not apply to him, the judge indicated.
“I am trying to sell my truck,” he told McKenzie.
“That is probably what you need to do,” McKenzie replied.
Other cases
Walter Kimble, 7 East Cypress St., Charleston, failed to appear to answer an open container charge.
Terry Osborn, 1448 Sanders Rd., Sardis, had a trial set for November 5 after entering a not guilty plea to simple assault.
Eric S. Heafner, 187 Morrow Rd., Courtland, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting a black security camera worth $129. He was fined $1,146.
Stephanie R. Wooten, 425 Taylor Rd., Como, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting shorts, pants, honey mustard, box of chicken and other items worth $35 from Walmart. She was fined $1,146.
“It doesn’t pay to shoplift,” the judge said.
Robert Davis, l223 Holly Dr., Tunica, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting from Walmart. He was fined $1,146.
Era Marie Jacobs, 134 Simmons, Water Valley, had a warrant issued after failing to appear in court a second time for shoplifting from Walmart.
James Blake, 137 North St., Farrell, failed to appear to answer a shoplifting charge (second offense).
Alivia D. Joy, 115 Ozbirn St., Batesville, failed to appear to answer charges of petit larceny, theft of utilities and old fines of $2,736. A warrant was issued for her arrest.
Audrey Logan, 11 Will Stewart Rd., Batesville, was told to have her fines of $1,368.50 paid in full within 30 days or serve six months in jail.
Latambrise Mosley, 207-C Leonard St., Batesville, had a trial set for November 5 for simple assault by threat after entering a not guilty plea.
She also had old fines of $1,770.75 that have been due since September 2013.
Marquita Cauthen, 231 Van Voris, Batesville, posted a cash bond prior to court for old fines of $595.75 that have been due since July 2013.
Jonathan L. Lewis, 91 CR 102, Oxford, entered a guilty plea to driving while license suspended and was fined $381.