Published 12:00 am Friday, September 27, 2013

North Delta School crowned Amy Walker as its homecoming queen in pregame ceremonies Friday night. Due to the weather, the school held festivities in the gym. Walker was crowned by last year’s queen, Charla Darby. The Panolian photo by Glennie Pou

Billie Breedlove of Batesville (center), regent of the Mississippi State Society Daughters of the American Revolution, met September 16 with members of the Ft. Rosalie DAR Chapter of Jackson at the Willie Morris Library for a celebration of  Constitution Week September 17-23.  The tradition of celebrating the signing of the U.S. Constitution was signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956.   Shown at a reading of a proclamation from Gov. Phil Bryant designating the special week in Mississippi are (from left) Dot Ward of Madison, Honorary State Regent; Vicky Pekich of Clinton, Ft. Rosalie Chapter Regent;  Billie Breedlove; Bettie H. Johnson of Jackson, Honorary Vice President General NSDAR; and Anne Branch of Jackson, Constitution Week Chairman, Ft. Rosalie Chapter.
Photo provided

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