Autrey letter to editor 8/16/2013

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 16, 2013

Accident underscores need for stricter traffic controls

It does not give me pleasure to say that the truck wreck at Highway 51/Tiger Drive — exactly one week after I addressed the city board about how dangerous the truck problem was — happened!
Thank goodness it was around 1:30 instead of 3:30 and involved very lucky car occupants instead of a loaded school bus. (The thought brings me to my knees.)

Thank you to all the people — young and old, men and women — who, after the paper came out, thanked me for saying “exactly what everyone has been thinking.”

We have a problem with speeding trucks, speed limits set too fast for the volume of traffic and motorists who don’t understand the danger of darting around trucks that require so much more space to operate. I hope that the mayor and board will continue to think about keeping Highways 6 and 51 slow and safe.

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Thank you,
Joanne Autrey