Group unites in walk for prayerful purpose 6/25/13

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Group unites in walk for prayerful purpose

By John Howell

Ministers and lay members of the community joined Saturday for a brief, brisk walk down Panola Avenue with Boys 2 Men United that concluded with prayer at the Armstrong Street Church of God.

The march was a followup to a similar event in the fall of 2011.

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Once at the church, Pastor Terry Townsend opened a short meeting that featured prayer by several marchers and remarks by Pastor Zannie Leland.

“We just want to be a positive force in the community,” said Earl Jones, who helped to organize the event.

“Let us reach out and touch our youth,” said Larry Chapman, who was asked to lead a prayer for young people. “Let them realize that You are the answer.”

Chapman’s prayer and those of Pastors Emma Hentz and Dwayne Chapman followed remarks by Michael King and preceded Leland.

Leland urged lives of balance, citing Revelation 21 and warning against lifestyles which have people, “caught up in the caught-up.”

 He said that too many are concerned with “stuff. Either you’re going to leave the stuff or the stuff’s going to leave you,” he said.

“We’ve got to be concerned about the welfare of other folks,” Leland said. “When we give to those who are less fortunate, we lend to God,” he said.

Pastor Fred Butts offered a brief prayer when Leland’s remarks concluded.