SP holds baseball banquet 5/17/13

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 17, 2013

SP holds baseball banquet

By Myra Bean
The South Panola baseball team held its annual banquet Friday, May 10.
Special guest speakers included Mike DeJean, former New York Yankees pitcher and Mark Gorman from the Fellowship of Christian Athlete.

One of DeJean’s main points was for athletes to be good to people who do not play ball.
Gorman used Hebrews 12:4 as his text and said, “Don’t ever quit or give up. When stuff happens determines who you are when it is over.”

Then the awards for junior high players were passed out by head coach Charles Willoughby.
Awards included: Hustle Award – Tripp Still; Scholar Athlete – Noah Willis; Defensive MVP – Chris Casiday; Offensive MVP – Jeremy McGee; Tiger Award – Ryan McCurdy; Team captain 8th grade – Justin Bolton; and Team captain 7th grade – Anderson Wilder.
Head baseball coach Justin Reed handed out the varsity awards with the assistance of Luke Kiihnl.

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Awards given were Best offensive – Chance Whitten; Best Defensive – Landon Fullilove; Pitching award- Hunter Ivy; Most Improved- Macen McGee ; Hustle award – Lane Massey; and Tiger Award – Taylor Karr.