City Court 7-13-12

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 20, 2012

Shoplifted clothes bring hefty fines

By Emily Darby Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie referred a Sardis woman to the grand jury for felony embezzlement during Batesville Municipal Court held Wednesday.

Ashley Carter, 418 Mulberry, Sardis, was bound over to the grand jury after the judge read her charges of taking assorted clothes from It’s Fashion, where she was employed, between May 22 and June 30. The items were valued at over $2,000.

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During a case set for trial Justin Woodard, 2137 Brewer, Batesville, admitted to having possession of marijuana after Officer Justin Maple’s testimony in court but said he had originally pleaded not guilty because his rights weren’t read and he wasn’t finger printed.

Officer Maples testified he was riding through Wal-Mart parking lot when he was flagged down by an employee who said he smelled marijuana when he walked by a truck that was parked on the east side of the store where the employees park.

Maples said when he approached Woodard’s truck, “he was outside of the truck cleaning the tail bed.”

“He said he worked there, but was no longer employed there so I got a manager to come out with me. We were looking at the truck because it was an older model and that’s when I saw marijuana in the truck,” Maples testified.

Maples said he found empty Cigarillos in the back of the truck along with a bag of marijuana.

“Cigarillos are used to roll marijuana with,” Maples testified.

“He admitted it was his marijuana and he and another employee were going to smoke,” the officer added.

“Was the substance taken to the crime lab?” McKenzie asked.

“The substance was marijuana,” Woodard answered the judge.

“The reason I pled not guilty is because my rights weren’t read and I wasn’t finger printed,” a disgruntled Woodard said to the judge.

“The problem is, people see things on TV and are confused with Miranda Case Rights,” explained McKenzie.

“It’s an in-custody interrogation,” McKenzie explained.

Antonio Blakes, 1338 Pope, failed to appear to answer charges for leaving the scene of an accident with injuries.

Tyrowone Kimble, 103 Davis St., Coffeeville, failed to appear to answer charges of telephone harassment.

Treandre Robinson, 26 Gordon, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of controlled substance (marijuana). He was fined $429.

Dylan Wright, 227 Hays, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of controlled substance (misdemeanor). He was fined $429.

Thomas E. Pruett, 327 Bethlehem, Batesville, had a case dismissed for simple assault after the affiant, John Keel, failed to appear to prosecute.

Shoplifting cases

Anthony Marion, CR 228 House No. 8, Abbeville, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting two children’s dresses and five hair bows worth $27.70 from Wal-Mart. He was fined $1,133.

“If you come to Batesville and steal again, be prepared to stay awhile because you’re going to jail,” the judge warned.

Jackie Gross, 111 Graham Ave., Sardis, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting Snickers, air freshener, gravy mix, a lighter and other items worth $54.25 from Dollar General.

Casey Gross, 508 Franklin, Sardis, entered a not guilty plea to shoplifting from Dollar General. A trial was set for August 1.

Brittney Dowsing, 126 CR 405, Oxford, entered a guilty  plea to shoplifting dresses and hair bows from Wal-Mart worth $27.70. She was fined $1,133.

Dominique Leverson, 18981 Hwy. 315 West, Sardis, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting Nike men’s shoes worth $64.99 from Rackroom Shoes. She was fined $1,133.

Cases set for trial

Lacretia Toliver and Kenny Jones, 303 West Lee, Sardis, were both found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor by leaving children in the car as they shopped at Wal-Mart.

Officer Shenika Hudson testified the ages of the children were 1, 2, 4 and 7.

She testified a 911 call was made into the police station reporting the children were unattended on June 5 at 12:25 a.m.

She said she arrived within minutes to the vehicle when the couple walked out only a minute or two after.

Toliver testified she was getting only a few groceries when she realized she left her card with Jones who was in the car with the children.

“She called me from inside and needed the card. We just got money on the card at midnight and we wanted to get groceries before going home,” said Jones.

Jones said he wasn’t out of his car for more than a few minutes.

The judge accepted the explanation and believed it was a technical violation. Though he did find them guilty of the charge, no fine was imposed.

“Next time go to the car and get the card instead,” the judge suggested as he said a different way of handling the situation could have happened.

Toliver said she has been through so much since the incident and it was something that would never happened again.

Anthony Frost, 1278 Whitten Rd., Courtland, had a case remanded to the files for simple possession of controlled substance.

Vanessa Griffin, 475 Greenbriar, Courtland had a malicious mischief case against Zeandra Butler continued.


Carol Ann McDonald, 251-A Hardy Rd., Courtland, was fined $605 for no proof of insurance.

Brian L. Henry, 187 Teasdale Rd., Charleston, was fined $817 for no tag and no proof of insurance.

Brianna S. McMurry, 8492 Hwy. 35, Batesville, was fined $155 for no child restraint.