Gale Bean letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coordinator of holiday feast thankful for response

The Feed the Needy Thanksgiving Dinner on November 25 at the National Guard Armory was a success thanks to kind people like you. We prepared food for 300 people and we fed 283, most of which was carry out.

I’m appreciative to all volunteers and the community as a whole for coming together to make this event a success. We had 70 to 75 volunteers consisting of Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Science Club members, Junior Civitan, Zeta Phi Beta and many others.

We received donations from 10 local churches, three businesses, and a local women’s group.

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O’Daley’s came in and partnered with us and I’m grateful we were able to come together to make this a joint effort. I’m grateful to God most of all for allowing this to come to fruition.

I’m thankful for family and friends like Adrianna Ellis who worked along with me to organize this event and I’m also thankful to all the volunteers who gave up their holiday to make Thanksgiving special for someone else.

I’m glad we were able to help some during this season of Thanksgiving. The Lord blesses us to be a blessing to others.

I hope I have been a blessing to someone. Thanks again for all of your help and cooperation. May God forever bless and keep you.

If I can help somebody then my living shall not be in vain.

Gale Bean