Land Commission Meeting

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Land commission sets new meeting

By Billy Davis

Panola County’s land commission will resume discussion of a gravel pit in the Eureka community when commissioners meet next week.

Snowfall cancelled commissioners’ January 10 meeting, forcing them to reschedule for Thursday, January 27.

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The new meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Panola County Courthouse in Batesville.

A legal notice is running in The Panolian today to publicize the new meeting time. The commission will take up matters scheduled for the January 10 meeting, according to the notice.

Four applicants are seeking a special exception permit that would allow them to mine and process sand and gravel.

Three applicants are seeking a permit for property that abuts Eureka Road and the fourth applicant is seeking a permit for nearby Cosby Road.

The land commission heard property owners’ plans at the December meeting and has asked the owners to return with more specific plans.

Some Eureka area residents, who opposed a similar plan by Memphis Stone and Gravel, have claimed the newest permit requests are a backdoor attempt for Memphis Stone to acquire the properties.  

One of the applicants acknowledged in December that he could sell his property to Memphis Stone if the application is approved.