Special Sections

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 8, 2010

Coming sections query candidates for Panola voters

By Billy Davis

Panolian readers will soon get their hands on helpful voting information when the newspaper publishes voting guides next week.

Race for the Robe, which features judicial candidates, will publish Tuesday.

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Race for the Badge, which covers the Panola sheriff’s race, publishes Friday.

Race for the Badge includes a question-and-answer interview with interim Sheriff Otis Griffin, and submitted answers from other participating candidates.

Griffin named accomplishments he’s made over the last 14 months, and was asked about his past plans to instate a rank structure at the department, during the lengthy interview.

The Panolian has traditionally interviewed incumbent candidates one-on-one in the past.

Sheriff’s candidates Richard Darby, Phil Herron and Richard McCarty also participated in the special section. They were asked what changes they would make at the department and what single problem they would focus on if elected.

Race for the Robe will feature candidates who are seeking the seat of retiring Circuit Court Judge Andrew C. Baker.

Candidates who participated are Rhonda Amis, Smith Murphey, Adam Pittman and William Sanders.

Candidates who are seeking a new circuit court seat also answered questions. They are David Burns, Gerald Chatham Sr., and Stan Little.

The judicial candidates were asked if they supported the Drug Court Program, and if they would hand down sentences on an individual basis, among other questions.

“We want voters to know as much as they possibly can about the candidates they’ll select on Nov. 2. It is an important election,” said Panolian publisher John Howell Sr.