Taylor Made 4-9-10
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 9, 2010

The world doesn’t have enough frockets. In fact, I think that a lot of the world is not even aware of frockets. The word “frocket” is not known by Google or even Wikipedia, which surprises me. You can find the definition on Urban Dictionary, however, and it is this: The front pocket of a shirt. Some dress shirts have frockets, some t-shirts have frockets. I am after any sort of frocket I can find.
There are small frockets that are clearly just for looks, and I like those. But what I like even better are the large, functional frockets. For one thing, I like the look of them. They’re interesting. For another, they have many uses. Perhaps if more people were aware of the purposes of a frocket, more people would produce and wear them.
Frockets are the perfect size for a cell phone. For some reason, girls’ pants are not usually made with large enough pockets for cell phones, so if I don’t have my purse or a jacket, my phone is left homeless – but not when I have a frocket. And just imagine all the other things you could store in there! Paper clips, pieces of paper, pencils, candy, small toys, wayward jewelry. Yoyos, playing cards, a Giga Pet if those were still cool. Sunglasses! So many times I’ve lost my sunglasses in my purse, and they’re too breakable for a pants pocket even if I had one big enough. I could go on listing frocket sized items for days, so great is the versatility of the frocket. It has no specified use; it only has definition on Urban Dictionary. The frocket is open to interpretation.
There’s even a game to play with frockets. If you happen to be sitting near a person wearing one, you could play frocket ball. Frequently I play this game while waiting on food at restaurants, or instead of studying in the library. The person wearing the frocket sits very still while the other person makes a small ball of paper and attempts to toss it into the frocket. Obviously making it into the frocket is the ultimate win, but points are also awarded for making it down the neck of the shirt or into the other person’s ear. Points are lost by hitting other restaurant or library patrons besides the person wearing the frocket, because that’s rude.
I am amazed every time I mention a frocket and someone asks me what it is. My wish is that everyone will one day know the joys of a frocket, will have participated in a lively game of frocket ball. Sadly, my wish seems to be far in the future. There are those who even make fun of the frocket, say it looks dorky. As it happens, I am also a big supporter of the sweater vest, another overlooked and under-appreciated clothing item commonly accused of dorkiness. I think that people are using the wrong “d” words to describe my clothing preferences, and the word they’re looking for is actually “dapper.” Frockets and sweater vests – dapper. Handsome. Should be seen more often.
I have found myself wondering more and more, in light of the recent good weather, why I am seeing so much of certain piece of clothing that I am not a fan of: I have seen jorts.
What are jorts? They are cut-off jean shorts. I personally believe that these are only appropriate in the context of a day on the beach or lake or as a joke/costume. If I could have my way, I would go around campus exchanging people’s jorts for frocket shirts and sweater vests. Ole Miss would be a vision of fashion foresight.
Panolian columnist Taylor Ivy of Batesville is a student at the University of Mississippi.