Sherry Hopkins column

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 15, 2009

Get the picture? … by Sherry Hopkins

Mr. Fix-it tackles plumbing, romantic candlelight dinners

As of this writing we have had over 10” of rain in as many days on Moseley Drive. I find myself looking for an old man building a really big boat as I wander about.

I woke up Saturday morning to find a leak under the sink in the guest bathroom. Why is it that I never have a plumbing problem on a weekday? It’s always on the weekend when plumber’s prices are higher. I mentioned the problem to Dear Don and he took a look.

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“I think I can fix it,” he said.

“Really?” I asked incredulously. As I have written before, neither of us are inclined to household repairs. Anyway he got right on the leak and in a few short minutes and with no harsh words spoken towards the waterline in question, we were back in the ballgame.

Earlier in the week Dear Don had informed me that he was going to take over the task of meal preparation on the weekends starting with this past Saturday.

I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’m not questioning anything. I’ll just go with the flow. So Saturday afternoon promptly at 5 p.m. he started the meal. We had steak, squash and new potatoes. It was delicious and we ate at the dining room table by candlelight.

What a treat.

I was so excited when we remodeled what is now the dining room. I longed for a warm comfortable room to treat family and friends. Until Saturday with the exception of an occasional holiday meal the dining room is only used as a pathway from the den to the kitchen and the rest of the house. Our regular routine is to prepare our plates and go to the den and eat in front of the TV while watching the ever-depressing evening news.

Saturday night we actually had silence. We looked at each other as we talked quietly about the day and the week ahead. We quizzed one another and laughed softly at our sometimes-surprising answers. What could you not know about someone after almost 30 years?

The candlelight added so much to the meal. There’s something about flickering candles as you gaze into the eyes of someone you love. It was raining outside and an occasional low rumble of thunder would remind us to look out. I remarked that it wouldn’t matter if the power went out at this point, because we had everything we needed.

The power did not go out on this evening made so special by a couple of steaks, candles and Mr. Fixit himself.

I hope this trend continues. He inspired me to serve Monday night’s meal at the table. No candles this time, no swine flu or bank failures, no wars or people losing their jobs and homes. Just a simple weekday meal made special by the attention to one another and the company I keep.

You get the picture.
(Contact Sherry at