Reports – 12/30/2005

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 30, 2005

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – December 30, 2005

  From the 12/30/05 edition of The Panolian  

City Court Report
By Emily Williams

A false pretense charge was continued in Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday pending further investigation.

Affiant Sharon Primer told Judge Bill McKenzie that defendant Yolanda Davis of 808 Third St., Marks, had acquired a cell phone in Primer’s name.

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"I went to Unicel and they did say a phone was in my name and gave me Davis’ address," said Primer.

Primer showed the judge un-opened Unicel bills that she received in the mail. She also showed a bank statement showing that her account had been drafted.

Considering that Primer did not know Davis before the incident, Judge McKenzie said, "It looks like both of you could be victims."

The case was continued until February 1.

Mark Carmichael, 6947 Hillindale, Bartlett, Tenn., had a DUI (second), resisting arrest, no driver’s license, no proof of insurance, careless driving and open container case continued.

Adam Goodwin, P.O. Box 976, Como, entered a "not guilty" plea to DUI, improper turn and careless driving. Trial was set for January 25.

Dustin Dupree, 320 Woods Rd., Pope, had a DUI-refusal case continued.

Contempt of Court
Early Jones
, 189 Hackberry, Oakland, paid his cash fine of $367 prior to court. The fine had been due since August 2000.

Jacqueline Robertson, 445 Sanders Rd., Sardis, was ordered to pay her old fines of $1,195 within 30 days or serve six months in jail. Her fines had been due since March 2004.

Leslie Shields, 238 Pearson St., Batesville, enrolled in the city’s work release program for 11 days instead of paying old fines of $425.

"I would rather see you doing something constructive, rather than sitting in jail," said Judge McKenzie.

The city’s work release program is an option for defendants who cannot pay their fines.

Reginald Taylor, 359 Greg Taylor Rd., Courtland, had contempt of court old fines of $4,261 that have been due since December 2000.

He is being held for another court, so his case was continued.

Latoya Brown of Oxford, failed to appear for old fines of $500 that have been due since July 2004.

Robert Smith, 102 Gracie Cove, Batesville, failed to appear for contempt of court old fines of $334 that have been due since November 2004.

Felicia Stewart, 6246 Old River Rd., Clarksdale, had old fines of $755 that had been due since November 2004. She paid her fine in full.

Jason Kitchekeg of Batesville, entered the city’s work release program for 68 days instead of paying $2,754 worth of old fines that have been due since February.

Antonio Crump, 120 Williams St., Batesville, had old fines of $533 due. He was ordered to have the fines paid within 60 days or serve six months in jail.

Shalonda Tribble, 504 Cotton St., Marks, entered a guilty plea to taking two pillows, two pillow covers and other items worth $71.60 while working at Springmaid. She was fined $305.

Eddie L. Henderson, 112 Williams St., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to domestic violence-simple assault. He also had old fines making his total fines now due $790.
Charles Pittman, 302 James St., Batesville, paid a cash fine prior to court for public drunk and carrying a concealed weapon.

Leroy Grant, 254 Oak Grove Rd., Sardis, had a lower fine of $183 imposed after he provided proof of insurance after the ticket was issued.

Timothy Prejian, 109 Trianon St., Batesville, was fined $464 for no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. The lower fine was imposed after he provided proof of insurance after the ticket was imposed.

Vanessa Williams, 650 Washington St., Darling, was fined $583 for no proof of insurance.

Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue
Batesville Fire Department Report
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue
Sheriff’s Report    
     All information is taken directly from the open records of the Panola County Sheriff’s Department. An arrest does not mean a conviction. All individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Names will not be left out of the records upon request. If a name appears in the arrest logs, it will appear in The Panolian.
December 19
Jason A. Kitchekeg, 219 Vance St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

December 20
Douglas Tutor Sr., Rt. 1 Box 202 A., Courtland, was transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.

Jermaine Cortez Pass, 201 S. Dunn St., Apt. 5, Eupora, was arrested and charged with possession of a stolen firearm by a convicted felon, resisting arrest, simple possession, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Leslie Allen Shields, 238 Pearson St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay fine. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

December 21
Sarly Jones, 665 Marchaneail St., Memphis, Tenn., was arrested and charged with contempt of court. The case was heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jacqueline Robertson, 445 Sanders Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay fines. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Sylvester Boyce Jr., Cox St., Como, was arrested and charged with petit larceny and contempt. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Cecaila McCain, 959 Chickasaw Hill Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with shoplifting. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

December 23
Shalonda K. Tribble, 504 Cotton St., Marks, was arrested and charged with embezzlement. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Arzell Johnson, 1759 Woodburn St., Memphis, Tenn., was arrested and charged with DUI, speeding and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Autry Holman Oates, 1744 Snider Rd., Pope, is being held for investigation.

Christopher Edward Darby, 1750 Cold Spring Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with DUI (other substance) and possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

John Edward Taylor, 22324 C Hwy. 35 North, Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI-refusal. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Drew Watson, 2594 Cold Spring Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with DUI-other and possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Kathy Elaine Dupree, 320 Woods Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Adam Lee Goodwin, 213 North St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

December 24
Charles D. Pittman, 302 James St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with public drunk and carrying a concealed weapon. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Linda J. Kinard, 244 Mary Wood Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with DUI, no driver’s license and driving on wrong side of road. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Flicia Stewart Blake, 3706 Stovall Rd., Clarksdale, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay fines. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Eddie Henderson, 112 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with domestic violence. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Christopher Jermaine Goodman, 721 South Bount St., Springfield, Mo., was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Mark Winston Carmichael, 6947 Hillindale, Bartlett, Tenn., was arrested and charged with DUI (second), no driver’s license, open container, no proof of insurance, careless driving and resisting arrest. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Celisse Nicole Hickinbottom, 4018 Wood Glen Cove, Oxford, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Labritta Brison Pitts, 4 CR 2059, Oxford, was arrested and charged with disturbance of family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Renita Rona Brown, 1004 Chapman Cove, Oxford, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Latoya Leann Brown, 1004 Chapman Cove, Oxford, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay fine and disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Lance Tramell Sullivan, 4810 Wood Glenn Cove, Oxford, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Deminca Shonell McDowell, 1124 Debbie Lane, Oxford, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will b be heard in Justice Court.




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