Time alone was a gift during illness

Published 7:22 am Thursday, July 14, 2022

By Jan Penton-Miller

The pop of color from a hanging basket of flowers catches my eye through the rivulets of condensation that have yet to burn off my window to the backyard. I sit quietly considering my to do list which has grown exponentially of late.  

I’m making progress! Today I’m actually thinking of things that I need to do!

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Tuesday afternoon I noticed a little stuffy nose and tickle in my throat. 

I wonder what is giving me an allergy? I guess I better use a little nose spray to clear it up.

 When I woke up Wednesday morning with a full day ahead of me I realized that something wasn’t right, but I wasn’t sure what. I just knew that it was weird to feel so tired. Instead of rolling out of bed ready for the day I sat in my jammies and robe with my feet dangling over the side wondering what in the world was going on.

I didn’t feel horrible. But my energy was flagging, and I hadn’t even started the day. A little later I answered my cell phone and chatted for a bit with one of my friends. I told her what was going on, and she encouraged me to get a Covid test just in case. 

I didn’t want to spread germs so I called and made an appointment at my doctor’s office. Within the hour I sat in my car while a nurse swabbed my nose. I felt confident that the test would come back negative, but I was wrong. I guess it was finally my turn. Things went downhill from there. For a couple of days it was all of the challenge I needed to navigate from the bed to the sofa.

When we realized that I was down for a bit, Mike took a few days off to help out. I still don’t feel particularly energetic, but I guess that just means my body needs a little more rest. Today is day six, and I feel better each day. I am so thankful that my case was relatively mild, although it still wasn’t any fun.

I’ve missed my friends at water aerobics and other activities, but I’ve realized once again that quiet and stillness is really a gift. Being down gave me the opportunity to catch up on some reading. My dear friend, Debbie McClelland, had passed a book along that she had really enjoyed, and I finished it yesterday.

The true story of an Asian mother battling on her knees for her son’s very life was gut wrenching. Her son, much like the prodigal of the Bible, found himself in a pigpen. Drugs, and unhealthy living had landed him in prison.

When his mother spoke to the judge at her son’s sentencing hearing she didn’t ask for leniency; she asked for a sentence long enough for her son to find Jesus. Her simple trust and diligent prayer were both encouraging and inspiring.