How accurate are these old wives tales?

Published 9:32 am Thursday, March 4, 2021

Muffler Shop Musings by Ricky Swindle

Howdy, friends!

Well, I received my second dose of the Moderna vaccine this past Sunday at the Batesville Civic Center.

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No bad side effects to speak of other than being tired, but with the  ugly weather Sunday I took full advantage of the chance to stay in a horizontal positioning.

My respect to our MS National Guard and our Health Department workers for running such a fine tuned vaccination machine out there.

That big town an hour away up north that has more Chiefs than Indians, and should take notice of how things are done here in God’s Country.

Efficient is the only word to correctly describe those fine folks working hard at the Civic Center.

I have grown no extra appendages to report on because of the vaccine, but if I do get one I hope it’s an extra bladder because the one I have does not seem to hold as much for as long as it once did.

Ice and snow a week or so ago and we had our AC turned on Sunday, only to turn the heat back on for a cold rainy Monday.

The old saying in MS is if you don’t like the weather just stand still, cause it’ll change in a blink.

Old sayings and old wives tales. Reckon where “old wives tales” came from? I’d be willing to bet it developed from some old husbands blaming everything on their old wives.

I have been reminded of several old wives tales here lately with our ever changing weather we’ve been experiencing.

If it rains on the first day of the month it will rain for 15 days that month. To be honest I have never marked down the rainy days after a rainy first day of the month, but I’m sure someone has or that tale would not have lasted this long.

If snow is on the ground for three days it will return before Spring. After that last ice experience we had, folks around here are hoping that old wife was into her cough medicine that day and speaking nonsense.

If it thunders in February, it will frost in April. I’d have to consult with my local purple hull peas and tomato plant planters to get the actual scientific data on that theory.

The taller the weeds during the summer, the deeper the snow in the winter. Now I don’t believe that one. I know folks who never cut their yard, and they do not get no more or no less snow than me.

There is no telling how many old wives tales actually exist on most every subject. This paper most likely could not hold all of the tales the readers themselves could relate on the subject. It would be a fun read though I’m sure.

Take care of yourself folks, and if you see a group of old wives standing around gabbing it may be best to pay a little attention to what they are saying. That is unless you are an old husband because I am sure you have heard it all before, several times.

Just kidding, gals. You know I love you all.

Write to Ricky Swindle at