Cougar boys beat Lafayette, girls lose close one

Published 1:34 pm Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Kiyah Cooper gets off a shot
(Glennie Pou)

Freshman Jakyrey Herrell led North Panola with 12 points as 12 Cougars got into the scoring column in route to a 67-40 win over Lafayette Co. Tuesday night at the Cougar Den  in Sardis.

Carl Robinson provided 10 points as the Cougars evened their record at 2-3 on the season. Deudre Smith and Dee Brown each had eight points while Andereny Gross provided seven.
Jaqwan Gale added six with Ferenzo Cannon, Craig Jefferson and Jakeen Bowdery all chipping in with two points. Tony Davis rounded out the scoring with one point.
Tony Davis from action during the Ripley game earlier this week
(Glennie Pou)
Girls Game
Lafayette Co. – 45
NP – 43
The North Panola Lady Cougars lost a heartbreaker as the potential game-tying shot at the buzzer was waved off.
Freshman Tyrah Jones led the way with 17 points with Aniya Taylor following with 12. D’Aurian Linzy added five followed by Alyanna Webb with three points.
Denijah Thomas and Jy’Keria Black each had two points while D’mya Williams and Kiyah Cooper finished with one point each.
North Panola opens up district play at Independence Friday with a 6 p.m tipoff

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