Spider lilies and pumpkins mean fall has arrived

Published 9:30 pm Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mt. Olivet News

Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of James Carlisle who passed away this past week. We want Susan, Jamye, Renae, and Barrett to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers.

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I know that fall is near when I go into my yard early in the mornings and find that those beautiful little surprise lilies have sprung up. I actually measured them and they were nine inches tall after two days. They are 17 inches now and scattered all over. I don’t have as many this year as in the past because the bulbs are not very deep in the ground and the lawn mower chops some of them up.

An old log house sat where my house sits now and I think they must have been here back then and they multiply rapidly.  I finally found a bulb catalogue that has them and I want to order some before planting time next year. Many readers will know them by the name of “spider lilies.”

I am having so much fun with my tomato plants. I never anticipated they would get almost six feet tall. The little cherry tomatoes are hanging on the vines like clusters of grapes, and I enjoy picking them from the vine and eating them right there.

I know for sure they have had no poisons sprayed on them. I’m very skeptical of fruits and vegetables from the grocery store and always wash them before eating.

Garden and yard work is my recommendation as therapy for anyone to combat worry and grieving. It’s hard to worry when you are digging up monkey grass. Don’t do like me and wait 50 years to get totally absorbed in dirt work.

The Pumpkin Patch at Franklin Farms has opened a week early this year and there are pumpkins of all shapes and sizes for sale. My favorites are the swan and apple varieties. We are lucky to have this nice family getaway in the Mt. Olivet Community.

There are haunted hayrides on Friday and Saturday nights and the Pumpkin Patch is open for browsing and shopping on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 6 p.m. Admission is free for law officers and their families.

There will be a pumpkin carving contest on Oct. 31 at noon with pumpkins provided. The winner will be announced at 3 p.m. with a best costume contest to follow. It’s fun for children and adults alike.

Since writing about the diamond my late husband lost in the hay field years ago, I have had many calls and texts from readers anxiously to know whether I found it or not. Some think I found it, and others said there is no way a small diamond from a cluster on a ring could be found in a hayfield.

I remember being so upset about him losing part of the anniversary ring that I just had to go back to the hay field and search. I’ve enjoyed the calls and texts about that long ago adventure that I believe I will wait another week before telling you readers whether or not my searching was successful.

So this week send me more texts or call to give me your prediction about the outcome of the diamond. Stories about the history of our area, or the people who have called the Mt. Olivet community their home are always interesting.

Contact me at 901-828-8824 this week with your story, or news tip, and register your guess about whether I was able to find a diamond in a hay field