Triad data found safe, some computers cleared

Published 12:12 pm Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Names and contact information for the senior citizens group Triad was not part of the files erased from computers at the Panola County Sheriff’s Department.


Triad information was stored safely on a computer that Sheriff’s Department officials did not check until after a news article was published last week that reported the files missing, and asking for seniors who are interested in Triad to contact Batesville Police to have their names added to the database.

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Triad is a cooperative effort between local law enforcement and senior citizens in the community. Seniors, and senior service groups, meet monthly with the Sheriff’s Department and Batesville Police to address criminal victimization of the elderly, and to find ways to prevent crimes against the often vulnerable age group.


Sheriff Shane Phelps said all of the Triad information was found intact, and early reports of data loss for that program were cleared up when officials looked on a different computer.


“Mrs. Robbie (Haley) had everything for the Triad program in place, we were just looking on the wrong computers,” Phelps said.


Phelps said Tuesday that a television news report aired this week was accurate concerning other computers at the Sheriff’s Department, but his administration is moving forward to complete the transition from the previous sheriff and his assistants to the new group of officers and administrators.


When questioned about what information may have been cleared from computers used by former Sheriff’s Department employees, Phelps said he doesn’t know, but officials have determined that all vital data about current jail inmates was not part of any file deletion.


Phelps said the new administration is treating the computer matter as an aggravation and inconvenience, and will not affect his department’s ability to provide law enforcement service in the county.

This month’s Triad meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 16, at 2 p.m. in the Family Life Center of Batesville First Baptist Church.

Meetings are the third Thursday of the month at different locations. There is no charge to join the group or attend the meetings.