North Delta gets large donation from Bank of Commerce

Published 3:36 pm Monday, December 16, 2019

 Robert A. Rowland III, senior vice president for Bank of Commerce (left) presents a $10,000 check to Dr. Randy Poss, headmaster of North Delta School. 

Bank of Commerce recently announced a $10,000 donation to North Delta School, Inc. The funds will assist the school with their security plan that they have been implementing over the past year.

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This donation was made possible under the Children’s Promise Act of 2019 through the Mississippi Department of Revenue. North Delta School was one of four schools who received donations from Bank of Commerce as part of the Children’s Promise Act.

“We were honored to donate these funds to North Delta School,” said Bank of Commerce President Bryan Thornhill. “Education is something we value, so it’s a priority to invest in the future of our state in this way.”

Bank of Commerce is headquartered in Greenwood, and has locations in Greenwood, Oxford, Starkville, Columbus, Charleston and North Carrollton. The company is committed to giving back for the betterment of the communities in which they serve, as well as surrounding areas.

Presenting the check on behalf of Bank of Commerce was Robert A. Rowland III, senior vice president.