Lindal Electronics is recommended for closure

Published 11:07 am Wednesday, March 13, 2019

By Myra Bean

Building inspector/code enforcement officer John McCollum advised the Sardis Mayor and Board of Aldermen to issue a letter requiring Lindal Electronics to cease and desist operations at its location on Main Street in Downtown Sardis.

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McCollum said the floor is about to fall in as is the roof at 113 and 115 Main Street. He gave the report of the building’s condition at last week’s regular meeting of the board.

The owner has been notified with a letter and has not complied with demands to fix weak and broken floors and the roof. It poses a safety hazard, according to McCollum. He refused to go further up the stairs that the first two because they were so weak.

The owner told them she does not have the money to fix the building. McCollum witnessed she has buckets stacked to catch the rainwater that comes through the leaky roofs.

The board voted to extend the time for the Joyful Fellowship Church with pastor Craig Johnston to remain in the building leased from Rakesh Patel at 608 East Lee Street, Sardis until December 2019.

Johnston approached Mayor Lula Palmer before the meeting to ask permission until their new building is finished. McCollum said the current building will house them for that amount of town. Then, he suggested the building be brought up to code or torn down by Patel.

Joyful Fellowship will break ground in May for their new building.

In other business, Engineer David Evans was paid $10,000 for professional services.

Evans updated the Board on the street overlay project to be completed with funds from the State’s BP Project. Evans is ready to advertise for bids. The city has picked out a few streets in each ward to be fixed.

The walking trail bids will go out so when the weather breaks they can go ahead and lay gravel and asphalt, according to Evans.

Granville Sherman with  North Delta Planning and Placement District (NDPPD) reiterated what Evans said on the update for the walking trail.

Suez has started on the water tower project behind City Hall. At the board meeting, Complete Computers asked the board to extend its contract for the wireless to be on the tower for 10 years after the initial contract ends in 2022.

Complete Computers was concerned with the amount of money they have to invest in the project to put their equipment back up and wanted the investment to pay for itself.

Chris Clark reported on the fire department repeater being relocated. He look at all options.  Options to move will cost from $4,000 to $8,000. There is minimal cost for it to go back on the water tower and the board agreed.

Fire Department Chief Mitchell Daugherty said Engine 5 is out of service due to power steering gear box. The board approved the purchase of a replacement from Summit for $1,100.

The board was told that the state has upped mileage reimbursement to 58 cents  per mile.

Maintenance Director Quinn West was instructed to find out from Entergy the cost to replace outdoor lights at the shop, City Hall, library, police and fire departments.

To replace street lights with LED lights on Highway 51, Main and Lee is $246.06 per month or $2,962 per year. There is a $2,830.70 one time set-up fee. However, the board was told the LED lights only shine downward and not disperse much light around the area. The item was tabled until the next meeting.

The board also tabled the item for the ballfield contract to remain the same as last year. There was concern about the lack of youth playing on the field.

Mayor Palmer wants to introduced a wall of honor and remembrance for service men and women. Each plate with a person’s name would cost $5. It was also introduced a board listing all the military branches and no individual names.

The board wants to hire a code enforcement officer to enforce ordinances around the city like tall grass, junk and property violation.

Police Chief Steven McLarty reported the new officer, Kenny Vaxter, is going to the police academy from April 7 through June 28. He signed a three- year contract to stay with the city.

In the Mayor’s report, the Hot Rods return to Sardis, Sept. 21. Juneteenth will return June 8 and the town of Sardis will have a tent and serve food. During April, there will be a spring clean up. They want people to adopt a street to clean. Palmer said the board needs to schedule a work session to go over the comprehensive plan.

The water tower is almost ready to paint. The board voted on warm sun and black color.

Housebill (HB991) passed the house. It would allow the city to collect old fines. There is $500,000 owed to Sardis from income taxes.