BJH locker room to be dedicated
Published 11:08 am Friday, March 9, 2018
- Robertson
BJH locker room to be dedicated

By Brad Greer
Contrary to popular beliefs, the South Panola football dynasty as we know it did not start in high school.
It began way earlier by two coaches who helped mold countless number of young men on the junior high level then on to successful careers both on and off the football field.
Beginning at 9 a.m. this morning, Batesville Junior High will dedicate its football locker room to Coach Will “Pete” Robertson and the late Coach Robert Lightsey. The pubic is invited to attend. Lightsey passed away in June of 2014 after a courageous battle with leukemia.
“This is a real honor for myself, but I just wish my buddy was here so we could both enjoy this. Somehow I know he’s looking down on us and would appreciate this greatly,” said Robertson, who just celebrated his 63rd birthday this past week.
While generations come and go, one thing Robertson instilled on the players is respect for others and one’s self.
“The most important things we tried to teach the kids are sportsmanship and doing the right things in the classroom and in daily life. I still have guys I coached 20 years ago still come up and thanked me for the little things Coach Lightsey and myself done for them. To me, that is what it’s all about, building relationships through the years,” said Robertson.
A 1973 graduate of South Panola, Robertson began his coaching career at Batesville Junior High in 1978 and remained there until his retirement in 2008. Darrell Arnold, Runt McMinn, Lance Pogue and Ricky Woods were some of the coaches Robertson worked with during his time at South Panola.
Robertson also recalled his relationship with Lightsey went farther than just football.
‘’We spent a lot of time at each other’s house and now we even have six grandkids. I coached the defense and he had the offense but I think we spent more time away from the football and school than we did anywhere else,” said Robertson.