Sunday shooting blamed on domestic dispute

Published 11:14 am Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sunday shooting blamed on domestic dispute

By Rupert Howell
A shooting victim remains in the Regional One Trauma Center in Memphis following what Batesville Police Assistant Chief Kerry Pittman described as a domestic issue between family members Sunday afternoon on Patton Lane. No names were released by the Police Department.
Batesville Police officers responded en masse to the apartment as they were returning to courthouse duty or regular patrols following a memorial service for an officer’s spouse.
Pittman said the victim by Monday had been moved to a regular hospital room, stating, “He will be fine.”
Charges, if any, against the suspected shooter will come before the Panola County Grand Jury according to the Deputy Chief.
Those in the downtown area, at the Tellis trial, or streaming the Tellis trial heard an onslaught of sirens as officers were concentrated near the courthouse when the 2:52 p.m. call went out Sunday.
Social media “lit up” with speculation and rumor following the event.

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