Sheriff’s report: driver cited for leaving scene of accident

Published 3:38 pm Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sheriff’s report: driver cited for leaving scene of accident

By Ashley Crutcher
The following information was obtained from incident reports supplied by the Panola County Sheriff’s Department at the request of The Panolian.
A child playing ball with friends September 27 suffered minor injuries after he was struck in the shoulder by a side-view mirror of a truck passing on Woodruff Road. According to Deputy Steven Moore’s incident report, the driver of a gold 2007 Ford F-150 stopped to ask if he could drive the child to the hospital. The child replied no and continued to play ball, the driver later told the deputy.
The child was later treated at Panola Medical Center for minor contusions and was released. The father was advised by the deputy to keep up with medical bills.
Deputy Moore contacted the driver who said he had he spoken to the child’s grandmother to check on him. The deputy told the driver state law requires the report of any vehicle incident, especially when involving another vehicle or person. A citation was written for leaving the scene of an accident with injuries.
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received approximately 30 calls from Panola County residents requesting the assistance of Sheriff Deputies from September 21 to September 28.
September 1
• Pope-Crowder Rd., Pope resident reported to Deputy Tripp Williams the suspect was living with the resident and was using his vehicle to haul scrap iron. According to the report, the resident found out the suspect didn’t have a driver’s license and told him not to drive the vehicle anymore. The resident stated when he went to bed the suspect left in the white 1995 Jeep. According to the report, the vehicle was found on Hwy. 322 broken down in the middle of the road with a blowout.
September 22
• McNeely Rd., Courtland resident reported to Deputy Moore he rented a 2016 Toyota and noticed the vehicle was damaged while he was visiting a friend.
• Hwy. 310, Como resident reported to Deputy Harold Lewis someone entered her residence through the front door and took a television. According to the report, there was no sign of a break-in.
September 23
• Ramsey Circle, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Moore her 12-year-old son was at a neighbor’s residence when the neighbor’s daughter threw dirt on her and the son rubbed some dirt back onto the neighbor’s daughter. According to the report, the neighbor threatened to whoop the son with a flip flop. The resident advised she wishes to press charges. According to the report, this is not the first call regarding the two individuals.
• Deputy Moore spoke with an Otto Sanford Subdivision, Courtland resident who advised her daughter was at the store when two suspects arrived and attempted to fight her. The resident advised the suspects have jumped on her daughter before and reports were made to the Panola County Sheriff’s Department. According to the report, the residents were advised to take the reports to Justice Court and file charges on the suspect.
September 24
• Chickasaw Rd., Pope resident reported to Deputy Williams his home was broken into and an air conditioner and assorted jewelry was stolen. According to the report, the residence has been broken into on several occasions beginning when the resident’s neighbor moved in.
• Deputy Lewis spoke to a Strayhorn Lake Dr., Sarah resident who reported someone broke into his property on Hwy. 3. According to the report, the suspect left behind a silver cup. The resident spoke to the suspect’s mother who advised her son had been stealing a lot lately and told him to call the police.
• Deputy Williams spoke to an employee of the Pope Dollar General who stated an individual stole two packs of white T-shirts. The employee provided video footage of the suspect taking the items.
• Plum Point Drive, Pope resident reported to Deputy Louise Linzy her brother-in-law came onto their property cursing them. According to the report, the suspect became angry when he was asked to leave and kicked the front door causing minor damage. Deputy Linzy located a black purse and retrieved some identification from the purse. Deputy Darryl House stopped the suspect who advised he and his girlfriend had a verbal altercation and he got mad and threw her purse onto the driveway and immediately left the scene. The suspect was arrested and charged with trespassing.
• Rudd Rd., Sardis resident reported to Lieutenant Chuck Tucker she was walking down Rudd Rd. when the suspect spoke to her and she advised she wasn’t fooling with him. According to the report, the resident advised the suspect began cursing and stated he had something for her. Lt. Tucker spoke to the suspect who advised he just said he and she came back hollering at him while she was on the phone with 911.
September 25
• Plum Point Rd. resident reported to Deputy Hunter Lawrence she looked outside her house and saw her daughter-in-law outside threatening to cut her wrist. The resident advised the suspect did cut both of her wrists earlier that evening while her husband tried to stop her.
• Deputy Jeff Still spoke to a Shiloh Rd. resident who stated his neighbor pulled up to the edge of his yard and began yelling for the resident to stay off of his mother’s property and advised if he didn’t he would do something to the resident. According to the report, the resident’s wife stated she heard the neighbor threaten the resident.
• Ramsey Circle, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Maurice Market the suspect slapped her seven-year-old disabled daughter in the face and advised the suspect’s mother threatened to do bodily harm to her.
• Deer Creek Rd. resident reported to Deputy Steven McLarty some animal chewed on her vehicle causing damage. Deputy McLarty observed damage to the front passenger tire.
•Lieutenant Emily Griffring spoke to a Graham Rd., Sardis resident who reported the suspect came onto his residence and began yelling and cursing at the resident. According to the report, the suspect has been told several times to stay off of the property The resident advised the suspect is mentally unstable and advised he and his wife are afraid of what the suspect might do.
• Sarah resident reported to Deputy Seth Cook some unknown man came to her son’s residence looking for her son. The resident advised the man was on their property with two other men approximately one month ago. The resident advised she is afraid the men are waiting for the residence to be empty to rob them.
• Lt. Griffin responded to Calvin Ln. where a resident reported her minor son was involved in an altercation. The resident advised since the altercation the suspect has harassed her son by flipping him off and throwing his arms in the air. According to the report, the resident advised she attempted to talk with the suspect but stated he began yelling at her while his wife recorded the incident on her phone.
• Lt. Griffin spoke to another Charles Ln. resident who reported he was being harassed. According to the report, the suspect driving slowly by his house and on one occasion drove up to his house and began cursing and yelling at him.
September 26
• Major Barry Thompson spoke to a Hentz Rd., Courtland resident who reported his brother stole his truck. According to the report, the resident’s brother agreed to make payments on the truck and made one payment in the amount of $400. The suspect refuses to pay any more and will not give back the truck. According to the report, the truck is in the resident’s name and the only ties the suspect has is he is a co-signer with the loan company.
• Hwy. 3, Sarah resident reported someone tampered with a chlorinator at a water treatment plant. According to the report, the resident stated the faulty chlorinator can kill someone if they inhaled enough of the fumes. A plastic bottle with amonia in it was placed with evidence to be tested for prints.
• Hughes Rd. resident reported renting a house to two individuals who moved out quickly while still owing money and stole the heater, Dish Hopper box and took the keys to the residence.
• Mary Woods Rd., Como, resident reported to Deputy George Renfroe the suspect tried to knock out the window in his Ford F150 and broke the turn signal on his work truck.
September 28
• Deputy Williams responded to Fudgetown Rd. for a disturbance. The resident advised his girlfriend was intoxicated and was tearing up the house. According to the report, the girlfriend appeared to be intoxicated and was causing a disturbance. The suspect was arrested and charged with the disturbance of a family.
Motor Vehicle Accident Report
• September 22, vehicle backed into another on Rutherford Rd.
• September 24, hit and run occured on LeMaster Rd.
• September 25, Car struck a deer on Hentz Rd. Another car struck a deer on Eureka Rd.

Juvenile Incident Report
A 14 and 15-year-old found themselves in a bind for comitting petit larceny, harassment and simple assault.

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