Explorer’s Bible Study classes will begin study of Matthew

Published 11:51 am Friday, August 11, 2017

Explorer’s Bible Study begins August 22 and 24, with three class times available for this year’s new study of the Gospel of Matthew, written by local teacher/author Marni McKenzie. The interdenominational classes meet during the school year, with the evening class beginning Tuesday, August 22, 7-8:15 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall of Batesville First United Methodist Church. The morning and noon classes begin Thursday, August 24, with the morning class (9-10:30 a.m.) in the Sanctuary of Batesville First Baptist Church and the noon class (12:05-12:55) in the Fellowship Hall of Batesville First United Methodist Church. Both church facilities are on Panola Avenue in Batesville. The morning class has predominantly women’s
groups, which include a few brave men, and programming for pre-school and home-school children. The noon and night
classes contain groups for men and for women with no children’s programming. A nursery is available for the evening class as needed. Tuition is $30 a semester, with scholarships available upon request. Workbooks will be issued so that the participants can answer questions during the week prior to class, then meet with their discussion groups on class day to
voluntarily share what they have discovered.All discussion groups assemble for a live message on the studied passages,
and then finish privately by reading the written summary of the lesson in their printed notes after they leave. Local teaching-leader Marni McKenzie, wife of the late William H. McKenzie
III, commented on this year’s study of Matthew: “From beginning to end Matthew, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, presents Him as the long-awaited King Messiah. “The good news for us is that Jesus still offers us entrance into His kingdom as soon as we’re willing to hear, believe, and obey His
invitation. “The kingdom is where God is King and we are not, but being ruled by One who has perfect knowledge and wisdom and loves us completely, is the only real way to satisfaction and joy. While such a life conflicts frequently with what this world pushes, its long-term benefits are always superior. “Joining us in this chapter-by-chapter study will give anyone—brand
new to Christ or one faithful for many years—a grasp of the basics of Christianity, its roots, fruits, and future.” If you’d like to join any of the three local classes, call or email to reserve your place: Tuesday evening class, contact Sherry Sullivan (934- 9851), sherry@cableone.net Thursday morning class,
contact Martha Hays (487- 1193), mfhays@wildblue.net Thursday noon class, contact Frances Amis (561-2015), fpickba@yahoo.com If you are interested but unable to come to one of the three local classes, you may try the new iStudyEBS.org available on the web, which has multiple class-time options.

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