Commission okays plans for new subdivison

Published 5:00 am Friday, July 28, 2017

Commission okays plans for new subdivison

By Chip Cossar and John Howell
Batesville’s planning commission gave Wake, LLC the go-ahead Monday on its plans to develop Cypress Point Subdivision off Eureka Road adjacent to the Panola Country Club.
Andy Yelton presented the subdivision’s preliminary plat to commissioners and received their unanimous approval. He said that the project was being developed by four friends who anticipate building homes in the subdivision.
“We’re all golfers; we all live in Batesville and we want to stay in Batesville,” he said. The development will leave “a few extra lots in this we’re going to try to sell.”
Commissioners Willie King, Dave Billingsley, Tom Womble, Meloney Buford, Vic Wardlaw and Kim LaVergne attended the monthly meeting along with assistant City Attorney Ryan Revere, Code Administrator Pam Comer and Fire Chief Tim Taylor.
In other business:
• Commissioners also gave unanimous approval to the final plat for the subdivision of 225 Medical Center Drive. Panola Medical Center Administrator Travis Sisson presented the plat on behalf of NW Alabama Real Estate, LLC. Sisson told commissioners that subdivision would allow the property to be sold as commercial real estate. Approval was made contingent on a favorable review of the plat by City Engineer Blake Mendrop;
• Regina Druetto received approval for site and building design standards for “Druetto’s Shaved Ice” at 151 Commerce Street behind Auto Zone. The building will be portable but mounted on a permanent foundation and elevated sufficiently to comply with flood zone requirements, according to Druetto.
“As long as they brick it, they’re meeting the requirements,” Comer said. Commissioners approved the proposal by unanimous vote;
• Linda Keating Parker presented the final plat for subdivision of property owned by her cousin, Philip Keating, north of Covenant Drive. The division of the property will allow the owner to sell a one acre parcel to Indu Vaghela in connection with his hotel construction. Her request also received unanimous approval pending the city engineer’s favorable review;
• Wayne “Mater Man” Baughman was granted a conditional use permit for seasonal tomato sales from “my truck and awning,” he said, at 471 Highway 6 West. Baughman told commissioners that his tomatoes are the yield of 3,500 plants near his Yocona Bottom home. He said he had also planted an additional 2,000 “late ones;”
• Commissioners revisited the request of Thaddeus Otto for a conditional use permit that would allow him to sell fish in front of Fred’s at the Midtown Shopping Center and again turned thumbs down.
“It’s not unique,” commissioner LaVergne said.
Commissioners voted to re-elect King as chairman and Billingsley vice-chairman.

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