Calls to sheriff indicate surge in burglary, assault incidents

Published 10:19 am Friday, February 17, 2017

Calls to sheriff indicate surge in burglary, assault incidents

By Ashley Crutcher
Panola County Sheriff Deputies noted a surge in calls reporting thefts, assault and harassment from areas all over Panola County last week.
The Sheriff’s Office received 15 reports of theft within the ten day time span beginning February 1.
Along with multiple theft calls the Sheriff’s Office received approximately 15 reports regarding some type of abuse including; physical abuse, verbal abuse, harassment and threats.
Investigator Terry Smith received a report of alleged child abuse from school officials who discoved the injuries on the six-year-old on February 2.
The Department of Human Services was notified and advised by the victim that his mother’s boyfriend beat him with an extension cord or some other object.
Investigation revealed the mother has lived with the suspect for three years and helps raise her three children.
“He’s been a great step-father. I can’t believe this happened,” said the mother.
According to the report, the suspect turned himself in the next day at approximately 10p.m. and advised he did strike the child with a switch but no other object. The investigation is ongoing.
Investigator Smith spoke to a Harris Road, Sardis resident who reported a friend and an unknown individual came to her residence on January 17 and on the next day she noticed her two iPhones missing.
According to the report, the resident called her friend who stated his friend stole the phones and he was in the process of getting them back.
The resident was also missing two rings worth about $15,000. According to the report, the resident has multiple text messages to her friend where he states the individual stole the items and he is in the process of getting the items back.
A 17-year-old found himself up a creek Wednesday, February 7 after getting caught selling marijuana.
The Panola County Sheriff Deputies received 49 calls for service from Panola County residents between February 1 and February 10.
February 1
• Deputy Eric Harris responded to a breaking and entering on Tom Floyd Road, Como where the resident reported someone broke into her trailer and stole the front and back door to the mobile home.
According to the report, the trailer was being repossessed and nothing was inside during the break-in.
February 3
• Sees Chapel Road, Sarah resident reported to Deputy Steven McLarty his written prescription for 10 mg. Percocet was missing.
•Lucious Taylor Road, Como resident reported to Deputy Maurice Market an unknown subject shattered the windows out of his vehicles.
• Old Panola Road, Sardis resident advised Deputy Hunter Lawrence she has been receiving blocked calls since December. According to the report, the resident has no idea of who would be calling her or why.
February 4
• Deputy Britton Crawford was dispatched to Highway 51 South, Pope where he observed a male subject lying on his back.
Deputy Crawford began to administer CPR. MedStat arrived on the scene and advised Deputy Crawford to cease CPR.
According to the report, Deputy Crawford noticed a blue piece of paper with a powder residue, Newport box containing a powder like substance, and a plastic bag containing what appeared to be cotton like balls under a basket.
“I removed the basket and observed a Wal-Mart sack containing needles with one containing an unknown liquid substance,” stated Deputy Crawford.
The narcotics officer was advised of the possible overdose and Panola County Coroner Gracie Grant Gulledge was called to the scene.
• Investigator Smith responded to Highway 315, Sardis where a mobile home burned down. According to the report, the trailer was empty but still had power to it.
The owner of property reported the cameras on the property would be checked for any suspicious activity.
• Highway 51 South, Pope resident reported to Deputy Lawrence he was outside taking the trash out and his mother’s boyfriend started cursing at him when he walked back into the home.
According to the report, the resident stated the suspect came into his bedroom cursing and hit him in the side of the head.
The resident stated the suspect left in a Nissan Altima after the resident advised he was calling the Sheriff’s Department.
• Deputy McLarty responded to Longtown Road, Crenshaw for violation of a protection order. According to the report, the resident returned home and found her lights turned off at the meter.
The resident has an emergency restraining order on the suspect who confessed to the resident to cutting off the lights, according to the report.
• Curtis Road resident reported to Deputy Market her ex-boyfriend came to her resident and assaulted her.
• Deputy Crawford spoke to a Barnacre Road, Sardis resident who reported his 2005 Chevy truck was loaded onto a trailer and stolen. According to the report, the truck had been wrecked and didn’t run.
• Highway 35 North, Batesville resident reported to Deputy Crawford his landlord asked him about rent to which the resident replied he was moving out and was giving him a thirty day notice.
According to the report, the landlord began cursing at the resident.
• Deputy Lawrence responded to Shiloh Road for a dog complaints and was advised by a resident that two pitbulls were in his yard and chased him into his home.
According to the report, the resident stated the incident has occurred on several occassions and stated the dogs have killed fish in his pond.
February 5
• Pope Water Valley Road resident reported to Deputy Market she went to sleep at 10p.m. and pulled the couch all the way up to her door.
According to the report, the resident stated she heard a noise from outside of her residence and went to the living room and noticed the couch was no longer in front of the door.
The resident reported she was missing a purse from the residence.
• Smart Road resident reported to Deputy Market an unknown subject entered his residence and stole a 12 gauge shotgun, 20 gauge shotgun and a 300 Weatherby Rifle.
• Lieutenant Emily Griffin spoke to a Highway 35 resident who stated his landlord forced entry into his residence and took two black space heaters.
According to the report, the resident went to Wal-Mart to buy two more heaters and received a call from his girlfriend, who was still at the residence, stating the landlord was trying to get back into the residence.
Lieutenant Griffin was called to the residence a second time for reports of the landlord walking around the residence shining a flashlight in the window.
• Forest Drive South, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Jeff Still his ex-wife stated she was going to shoot him in the head.
According to the report, when the resident arrived home, the suspect’s father was sitting on the other side of the resident’s driveway. According to the report, no arrests were made due to conflicting stories.
• Deputy McLarty responded to Abram Road and spoke with a resident who reported her husband fell and busted the back of his head. According to the report, there was a strong odor of intoxicating beverage coming from the victim. MedStat transported the victim to the hospital.
February 6
• Investigator Smith was called to Northwood Drive, Sardis where the resident reported he came outside and saw the 2005 Semi on fire. According to the report, the Semi had been sitting there for about nine months, was not running, had no battery and there was no reason for it to catch fire. Witnesses reported seeing a  six-feet-tall gray haired man walking by the residence.
• Investigator Smith received another report of a fire where it was reported that some children were burned in a house.
According to the report, no one was home during the fire, but a neighbor thought the kids were inside the home and cut himself trying to enter the residence.
• Ballentine Road resident reported to Deputy Bill Furniss that she returned home and found her carport door pried open. According to the report, the resident was missing $1,500 worth of property.
• Westbrook Road resident reported $1,100 worth of property was missing from his residence to Investigator Smith.
According to the report, the resident stated whoever took the items knew where a key was hidden to enter the locked gate.
The resident reported he had a camera set up that took pictures of a white male, driving a silver or pewter colored Chevy Avalanche enter through the gate.
• Lieutenant Chuck Tucker spoke to a Pocahontas Street, Sardis resident who reported some air tools and chainsaw were missing from his shed.
According to the report, entry was made through the front door where a piece of tin was torn loose.
• Lieutenant Tucker responded to Ballentine Road where another resident reported someone busted her back door frame but was unable to gain entry.
• Barker Road, Courtland resident reported to Deputy John Still there has been an ongoing disagreement between her and her daughter.
According to the report, the daughter got involved in a disagreement between the resident and the father and threatened to kill the resident by posting the threat on Facebook.
• Benson Road resident reported to Investigator Smith a cousin of hers has been harassing her.
According to the report, the resident stated the suspect came to her home and jumped on her. The resident stated the suspect and family members are on Facebook talking about her.
According to the report, one female, who is allegedly a convicted felon, posted a picture on Facebook with a gun stating “you dont want to mess with me”.
February 7
• Deputy John Still spoke to a Chrestman Cove resident who reported some items were taken from her back porch and two sheds.
• Deputy Furniss responded to a burglary on Smart Road where the resident returned home and noticed his 12 gauge Mossberg pump shotgun missing.
According to the report, the resident left the shotgun laying on the kitchen table while family members were in the living room watching the Super Bowl.
• Atkins Street, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Market his ex-girlfriend and her cousin kicked his door in, came in and started hitting and kicking him in the face.
According to the report, the resident stated he asked them several times to leave but they refused and proceeded to take a 52” TV, Xbox 360, DVDs and $400.
•Atkins Street, Sardis resident reported to Deputy John Still the suspect was told not to come to her residence.
According to the report, the suspect came onto the residence on January 16 and caused a disturbance with the resident’s husband.
February 8
• Hadorn Road resident reported to Lieutenant Emily Griffin she came home and noticed the deadbolt lock on her front door was unlocked but the door knob lock was secure and also noticed the screen to her daughter’s bedroom was on the ground.
The resident reported she was missing a PS4, controllers and games.
• Deputy McLarty spoke to a Shell Road resident who reported he returned home and found his front glass door open with the frame around the lock bent and scratched.
According to the report, entry was not made.
• Northwood Drive, Sardis residents reported to Deputy Crawford an individual came onto their property and was advised to remove himself from the property and that he was in violation of a restraining order.
February 9
• Investigator Danny Beavers responded to a domestic disturbance where the victim reported her husband beat her and has been beating her for years.
• Deputy George Renfroe investigated a family disturbance on Highway 51, Pope where residents got into a disagreement over living arangements.
According to the report, the suspect left the residence at his own will.
• Captain Willie Harris spoke to a Highway 310, Como resident who reported noticing the gate to Dick Moore Houses open.
According to the report, the are no cuts or damage done to the gate and nothing was missing from the houses.
• Milam Road resident reported to Deputy Hunter Lawrence his sister was notified by the alarm company that the front door to the residence was open.
February 10
• Deputy Darryl House spoke to a Cotton Plant Road resiodent who reported her boyriend assaulted her by choking her.
• Tate County Deputies contacted the Panola County Sheriff’s Office in reference to the recovery of stolen items by Memphis Police Department.
According to the report, the owners of the stolen items wanted to file a report for the stolen property worth approximately $27,095.
• Martindale Road, Courtland resident stated she is constantly harassed by her brother-in-law and also stated he continues to come to her residence after being asked not to.
Motor Vehicle Incident Report
February 2
• Child was struck by a vehicle on Eureka Road. An injury reported.
• Vehicle hit a deer on Nash Road.

February 4
• Vehicle hit a deer on Ballentine Road.

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February 5
• Hit and run occured on Mt. Olivet and Cotton Plant Road.
• Vehicle ran stop sign due to weather conditions on Marshall Road.

February 6
• Individual was runover by a vehicle on Pine Street. An injury was reported.

February 9
• Vehicle hit a deer on Highway 35.