County board mulls request to cremate unclaimed body

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2017

County board mulls request to cremate unclaimed body

By Rupert Howell
Supervisors Monday decided to wait to cremate the body of Freemam Alford Chamberlain following a request by County Coroner Gracie Grant-Gullege who informed supervisors that family members refused to take possession of the body. He died December 28 according to Gullege.
Supervisors took the matter under advisement after Attorney Bill McKenzie asked for time to research the request and Board President Cole Flint said the matter could be decided by phone poll once legalities had been researched.
The coroner explained she is required to hold the body for up to 48 hours before taking action but it had been 12 days and no family member had taken responsibility.
Supervisors determined that holding the body in the local morgue was not costing the county. McKenzie was determining the amount that could be legally paid and also if costs could be charged against property taxes of the deceased.
In other action supervisors voted to cancel a State/Federal project on Landfill Road which could later free up funds to resurface Belmont Road in Sardis from Carlee Street to I-55.
Also added to the list of projects is a replacement bridge on Tate-Panola Road in northern Panola County.
Answering a question by supervisors if the bridge needed replacing, Engineer Larry Britt said, “Any time you have a one lane bridge. . . it’s dangerous.”
Supervisors took under advisement several bids for materials as well as bids for county garbage trucks scheduled for replacement. Approval for successful bidders will come during the a recess meeting scheduled  for Monday, January 23 at 9 a.m. in Batesville at the courthouse.
Supervisors also voted to deny Annie Perry’s previous request to establish a position of Panola County Health Coordinator citing funding as the chief road block.
The position would be responsible for informing the community of health related matters to help reduce health disparities and help local families achieve and maintain a healthy life style.

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