Sardis aldermen agree on budget; fireworks for Sardis celebration

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sardis aldermen agree on budget; fireworks for Sardis celebration

By Rupert Howell
Sardis aldermen agreed during a special meeting last week on a $1,179,762 budget that uses payment in arrears for a building and the city’s tourism tax paying additional part time salaries to balance without having a tax increase.
Mayor Billy Russell explained Conveyor Tech Co., which is purchasing a former city owned building, was in arrears for the final “balloon payment” in the amount of approximately $62,000.
Russell said that after talking with that company’s owner, he thought the debt could be paid in full within the first three months of the new budget year.
That money along with paying some of the part-time police salaries with tourism tax money, a three percent tax on food and lodging, was enough to make the budget balance according to city officials who will advertise a hearing concerning the budget prior to its approval.
Board members discussed at length the Chamber of Commerce’s request for funds for a fireworks display at Sardis Lake to celebrate the town’s sesquicentennial.
“I just want a good fireworks show that we can be proud of,” Mayor Russell said.
Alderman Jojo Still who abstained from voting had bartered to get the price down and a limit of $4,995 was discussed but a motion finally passed 4-0-1 that would allow the Chamber to handle the fireworks issue.
The city had earlier in the year authorized a $20,000 budget for tourism related items that would encompass the fireworks display.

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