Sheriff: Arson investigation possibly stems from domestic disturbance

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 28, 2016

Sheriff: Arson investigation possibly stems from domestic disturbance

By Ashley Crutcher
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received multiple calls reporting fires with one report being investigated as an arson case by Investigator Terry Smith.
On July 21, Investigator Smith received a call from a Pine Lake Drive resident who stated she returned home after a weekend away and discovered that a fire occurred in the living room and burned the sofa, matress and smoked up the rest of the home.
According to the report, the resident believes that her husband caused the fire as she had recently kicked him out of the house.
“You could tell that someone set fire to the sofa. The windows were closed and the fire eventually burned out causing a lot of smoke damage inside the home,” said Investigator Smith.
Investigator Smith spoke to the resident’s husband who stated he had nothing to do with the fire, according to the report.
Another incident from July 21 occurred on Travis Road, where the driver of a white GMC noticed his car was on fire after checking under the hood.
According to the report by Deputy Josh Griffin, the driver attempted to extinguish the fire but was unable to do so.
Investigator Smith received another report of fire on July 22 at a Mount Olivet residence. On the scene Investigator Smith observed the home engulfed in flames.
According to the report, the house was for sale and the owner was in Florida.
The owner stated in the report that the home was recently shown to a potential buyer and a strong smell of gas was detected.
The realtor contacted the owner to notify him of the smell of gas, according to the report.
The owner stated he asked the realtor to cut the gas off at the tank until he returned.
According to the report, the realtor was unable to turn off the gas.
Fire personnel stated the gas was still on upon their arrival and was turned off once they made the scene.
• A stolen blue Honda was recovered on Sims Hawkins Road, Sarah after it was burned.
Deputy Darryl House responded to the incident and discovered it was a vehicle which was reported stolen from Crenshaw. The case is under further investigation.
• The Panola County Sheriff’s office received 38 reports from July 12 to July 22 which required service by Sheriff Deputies.
July 12
• School Resource Officer Stevie Webb responded to Stephens Road for a report of rape. Upon arrival, Deputy Webb spoke to the 60 year-old victim who reported her 72 year-old uncle raped her.
According to the report, the victim is a vulnerable female and didn’t know her date of birth or social security number.
Investigator Jason Chrestman arrived on the scene and assisted with the investigation.
According to the report, the victim was taken to the Emergency Room for a rape test, but stated she didn’t want the test done. The investigation is ongoing.
July 15
• Deputy Mark Lott investigated a case of grand larceny on Ballentine Road where approximately $9,565 worth of property was reported stolen.
•Pine Street, Pope resident reported to Lieutenant Chuck Tucker his neighbor’s dog has been jumping over his fence and attacking his chickens and ducks.
The resident noticed one of his ducks limping, according to the report. Deputy Bobby Billingsley responded to the residence recently for a complaint about the same dogs.
July 16
• Lieutenant Edward Dickinson Sr. spoke to a Church Street, Sardis resident who reported he was cooking at a cookout when he noticed his 9mm HiPoint pistol missing from his console.
• Askew Road, Crenshaw resident reported to Deputy Mark Lott she has been continuously harassed by an individual.
According to the report, the individual comes to the residence and repeatedly knocks on the door wanting to take the resident’s vehicle that is in both of their names.
The resident stated she has repeatedly told the individual to stay off of the property but the individual refuses, according to the report.
July 17
•Deputy Lott responded to Highway 51 South, Courtland to investigate a case of grand larceny where approximately $18,343 worth of property was stolen.
According to the report, the resident unloaded her belongings from a trailer on July 16 and noticed the items missing when she returned the next day.
• Another Highway 51 South, Courtland resident reported to Deputy Jeremy Hailey that an individual came to her house and told her that he and another individual went to her home the day before and now she is missing a .380 pistol, 200 watt amp, and clothes, according to the report.
The individual stated in the report the suspect showed him the stolen clothes from the resident’s home. The investigation is ongoing.
• Deputy George Renfroe spoke to a Sleepy Creek Drive, Pope resident who stated he and his cousin were riding fourwheelers and his cousin lost control of his four wheeler crossing a ditch and ran into a tree.
According to the report, the victim’s father took him to the ER where he was air lifted to LeBonheur Children’s hospital.
The victim suffered injuries to the right side of his face and head and broke his right arm.
• Shagbark Drive resident reported to Deputy Hailey his wife came to the home in Tocowa where he was staying and slapped him on the left side of his face.
According to the report, they have a potection order agreement through Justice Court.
• Deputy Harold Lewis responded to Tate-Panola Road, Senatobia where the victim reported her boyfriend became angry after she was unable to answer his calls and pulled a gun on her when she arrived back at her residence.
According to the report, the victim reported this has happened at least four times before.
• Lieutenant Dickinson spoke to a Dawn Cove, Courtland resident who reported he was walking up to the counter at M&M store to pay for his food when a young male walked up to him and started hitting him in the face, according to the report.
• Sardis Lake Drive resident reported to Deputy Josh Griffin that an individual has been calling and texting her phone threatening her and her family.
According to the report, the suspect told her he was going to end her and her family.
Deputy Griffin spoke with the suspect and advised  him not to contact the resident again.
July 18
• Roberson Lane resident reported to Deputy Dean Jones the suspect began arguing with her about things from the past and threatened to kill her.
According to the report, the victim was sitting on the couch when the suspect straddled her lap and choked her.
The victim got a ride to Sardis Lake Drive to get away from the suspect.
According to the report, the suspect is on crystal meth and has been up for four days.
• Deputy Jones investigated a case of grand larceny where $260,000 worth of gravel was stolen from the gravel pit on Pope Crowder Road.
Deputy Jones spoke with the complainant who stated someone from his company noticed trucks and heavy equipment remove gravel from the site.
According to the report, the suspect caused approximately $40,000 worth of damage that his company would be responsible for fixing.
• Deputy Lee Martin investigated a report of vandalism on Vassar Road where a church was vandalized.
Deputy Martin spoke with the pastor who stated he was having trouble out of two young men driving their four wheelers in the church parking lot.
According to the report, the suspects caused ruts in the parking lot. The incident is under further investigation.
• Atkins Street, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Renfroe an individual called her and stated he cut all four tires on her silver Buick.
According to the report, the suspect also stated he put something in her gas tank.
The tires were cut on the vehicle, but the resident was unable to tell if anything had been put in the gas tank.
• Eureka Road resident reported to Deputy Britton Crawford she was being stalked and harassed by her husband whom she has been separated from for four months.
According to the report, she recently asked him for a divorce and later noticed her brake line had been cut after losing brake power on her way home one evening.
A mechanic showed her where her brake hose had been cut clean with a sharp object.
July 19
• Deputy John Still spoke to an Atkins Street, Sardis resident who stated she has received numerous text messages from an individual threatening to do bodily harm.
According to the report, the threats stem from an altercation between the resident and the suspect’s brother.
July 20
• Deputy Josh Griffin investigated a report of armed robbery on Rutherford Road.
According to the report, a 16- and 13-year-old were walking to a friend’s house when they got robbed.
The victims reported seeing a red SUV parked on the road when three  men grabbed the oldest.
“I told my little cousin to run and the men starting beating me up. Then the driver got out and pointed a gun at me and asked for my money,” stated the 16-year-old victim.
According to the report, the four men stole $26 from the teen. Deputy Griffin and Deputy Hailey partolled the area in an attempt to locate the vehicle but were unable.
• Deputy Ronald Ragon was transporting a suspect for domestic violence.
When Deputy Ragon was getting out of his unit, the suspect bit him on his right arm causing the skin to peel up from the bite.
The suspect was charged for aggravated assault on a Police Officer.
• Highway 51 South, Courtland resident reported to Deputy House an individual was throwing rocks on a four wheeler and broke his back right tail light.
July 21
•Deputy Hailey responded to Gin Road for a family disturbance. Upon arrival Deputy Hailey observed a man in a red shirt running from a man in an orange shirt.
According to the report, Deputy Hailey asked both subjects to get into his police unit and noticed a deep cut above one subject’s right eye, who stated the other subject hit him with a rock.
The subject stated in the report that the argument stemmed from the suspect getting mad after his mother wouldn’t give him the keys to the car because he had been drinking.
According to the report, the suspect then pushed an AC unit out of the window which started the argument.
The subject stated he did not wish to file charges.
• Lieutenant David Mills spoke to a Teresa Road resident who stated she had $175 stolen from her home.
According to the report, the resident noticed the money was missing after two guests left her house.
• Black Jack Road resident reported to Deputy Josh Griffin his firearm was stolen out of his truck.
Motor Vehicle
Incident Report
July 15
• Car hit a tree on Sims Hawkins Road.
July 16
• DUI accident on Ballentine Road resulted in an injury.
•Car hit a deer on Ballentine Road.
• Two car accident in a private lot by M&M Quick Stop.
• Hit and run on Ballentine and Bill Wallace Road.
• Accident on private property on Highway 315.
July 17
• Single car accident on Alonzo Gipson Road.
•Two cars sideswiped on Parks Place Road.
July 19
•Single car accident on Hammond Hill Road.
July 21
• Two cars collided on Dummyline and Myers Road.

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