Sheriff’s report

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 1, 2016

Sheriff’s report: 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel reported stolen

By Ashley Crutcher
Multiple reports of theft ranging from attempted breaking and entering to grand larceny were reported across Panola County from June 15 to 24.
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received approximately 18 reports of some type of theft within the ten day time span.
This is the highest rate of reported thefts for the month of June, according to reports received by The Panolian from the Panola County Sheriff’s Office.
One incident from June 22 was reported to Deputy Darryl House who responded to Curtis Road and spoke to the resident who reported 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel was stolen from his property.
The total cost of the stolen fuel is $3,600. The case is under further investigation.
Another case of grand larceny was reported to Deputy Harold Lewis.
A Highway 310 resident reported a stolen check in the amount of $2,040.25.
According to the report, the suspect stole the check from the resident’s home while he was staying at the residence and later cashed the check at a Southaven bank.
The crime has been reported and filed in Desoto County for further investigation.
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received 54 calls from June 15 to June 24 which required service from Panola County Deputies.
June 15
• Lieutenant Mike Davis spoke to a Hammond Hill Road, Como resident who reported a stolen cell phone.
According to the report, the resident’s phone was left in her child’s diaper bag, which was picked up by the child’s father when he came to get the child.
The resident stated she tried to call the phone but no one answered. The case is under further investigation.
• Hawkins Road resident reported to Deputy Dean Jones her dogs were missing and possibly stolen.
According to the resident, her dogs have gotten off of their leashes before but have never left the yard.
The resident described one dog as a one year old mutt,  brindle colored with a red collar and the other as a six-month-old white pit bull mix with a red collar.
• Deputy Emily Griffin received a complaint from a resident who reported his mother was “doing donuts” in his yard.
According to the report, the resident reported his mother left the residence in a white Mazda truck, traveling East on River road.
Deputy Griffin caught up to the vehicle and made the traffic stop.
According to the report, the driver admitted to have been drinking “a lot” and consented to a search where Deputy Griffin located a bottle of vodka in the suspect’s purse.
The suspect was arrested and transported to the Panola County Jail where she refused the test to determine her breath alcohol content.
June 17
• Deputy Bobby Billingsley spoke to a Pine Street, Pope resident who reported her neighbor’s German Shepherd dogs got into her fenced in yard and killed seven chickens, one rabbit, and a duck.
Deputy Billingsley advised the resident she could file a suit for the damages and that he would be charging the owner of the dogs for violating the vicious dog ordinance, according to the report.
• Brewer Road resident reported to Deputy Mark Lott someone attempted to break into his home.
According to the report, the resident heard what she thought was a large tree branch fall outside her home.
The resident stated she walked outside and didn’t see anything.
The next morning when she walked around the home she noticed a tire on the back porch under the kitchen window, which had been lying in the yard, and the window screen had been taken off and was lying on the back porch.
According to the resident, no one made entry into her house and nothing is missing.
• Deputy House spoke to a Curtis Road resident who reported two tractor batteries were missing from his property.
•Eureka Road resident reported a burglary to Deputy Maurice Market.
According to the report, an unknown subject entered the residence and took a 12 gauge shotgun and a double barrel shotgun.
•Deputy Market investigated another burglary on Pope Water Valley Road, Pope where the resident reported an air conditioner, power tools, and a six-foot ladder was stolen.
June 18
• Investigator Terry Smith responded to a fire on Sardis Lake Drive.
After further investigation, Investigator Smith discovered a pile of clothes in the kitchen area that appeared to have been set on fire and burned out after a short time.
The owner of the home recently died and left the home to his wife and daughter.
The daughter and her husband were staying in the home and the power was recently cut off.
According to the report, there appears to be a conflict within the family about the house and who should have it.
Investigator Smith is continuing the arson investigation to determine who and why the house was set on fire.
• Shiloh Road, Courtland resident reported to Deputy Lott she witnessed a white lab killing a yorkie.
According to the report, it is unknown who the yorkie belonged to.
Deputy Lott was unable to make contact with the owner of the lab.
• Deputy Lott responded to Mossy Oak and Eureka Road intersection for a report of a sign being knocked down.
According to the report, the stop sign had been run over and the Mossy Oak street sign had been stolen.
• Pittman Road resident reported to Deputy House that her sister is slandering her name by spreading untrue things about her, according to the report.
• Deputy House took a report of a stolen wallet.
The victim reported her wallet was stolen from a friend’s house on Highway 310 in Como.
• Floyd’s Island, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Jeffery Bean that his neighbor was video recording kids playing outside.
Deputy Bean spoke to the neighbor who stated he only put the camera up because the neighbor was causing problems.
• Hadorn Road resident reported a burglary to Deputy Market.
According to the report, the suspect entered the residence through a vacant apartment and stole two LG televisions, shoes, and a play station.
• Federal U.S. probation officer reported to Investigator Smith that he was receiving some phone calls from a blocked number.
According to the report, the caller was a young female who reported that some strangers picked her up and she didn’t know where she was.
The calls continued and alarmed the officer that the young woman may be in serious danger.  The case will be investigated further.
June 19
• Bellmont Road, Sardis resident reported  his wallet stollen to Deputy House.
According to the report, the resident stated she left her wallet in her jeep and it was stolen along with a bluetooth headphone set that was stolen out of her boyfriend’s white jeep that was parked at the residence.
• Kiihnl Road, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Lott that her son’s girlfriend assaulted her after she told them they needed to rewash their clothes that were left in the washing machine.
According to the report, the girlfriend called the resident lazy and punched her in the face and tore two shirts off of the resident.
The resident stated she left the residence and waited for things to calm down and was threatened again when she returned.
According to the report, the suspect and son left the home to go stay with the son’s father.
• Deputy House took a report from a Tubbs Road resident who stated her 14 year-old daughter was molested when she went to stay with a friend.
• King Road, Sardis resident reported their medication was stolen to Lieutenant David Mills.
According to the report, this isn’t the first time the resident’s have reported their medication stolen.
June 20
• Roberson Lane resident reported to Deputy Emily Griffin that his step son threatened his life, stating he would “put him in a body bag”, according to the report.
The resident stated he wanted his step son to be removed from his residence.
• Deputy Emily Griffin spoke to a Morrow Road resident who stated his son entered a business they share and vandalized the camera system and took a computer monitor and hard drive away from the business.
• Old Panola Road resident reported to Deputy Emily Griffin that approximately 21 of her chickens were killed by dogs from the neighborhood bordering her property.
According to the report, the chickens were in a secure yard and the dogs forced their way into the yard.
• Deputy Market spoke to a Jones Street resident who stated his ex-wife assaulted his son by choking him.
• Investigator Smith spoke to an individual who stated he went to a party on Emory Church Road in Como.
According to the report, the individual got into an argument with the two suspects and was assaulted by being hit and kicked several times.
The victim was taken to Baptist Memorial in Southaven and treated for a laceration to his left eye as well fractures.
June 21
•  Deputy Britton Crawford was dispatched to the boat landing at Engineers Point on Sardis Lake to investigate a report of a boat being overturned by some young men that appeared to be intoxicated.
According to the report,  one suspect appeared to be under the influence and had multiple empty beer cans in the suspect’s vehicle.
Fish and Wildlife took the suspect into custody for boating under the infuence.
• Main Street, Courtland resident reported to Deputy Jones the suspect pushed her and punched her in the head.
According to the report, the resident attempted to talk to the suspect about something his “baby mama” put on facebook, but he wouldn’t talk to her.
The resident continued to state that she then took his glasses away from him and that was when he attacked her.
According to the report, the suspect left before Deputy Jones arrived.
• Highway 315, Sardis resident reported to Investigator Danny Beavers his 9mm Ruger was stolen from his vehicle.
• Deputy Crawford spoke to a Wells Extension, Courtland resident who reported she witnessed a green SUV swerve off the road hitting a fence and then swerve back across the road coming to a stop against her barn.
According to the report, the resident spoke with the suspect before she fled the scene.
Deputy Crawford tracked down the suspect and cited her for no proof of insurance. The suspect agreed to make the repairs to the fence.
•Deputy John Still spoke to an individual at a Como store who reported being assaulted at the store.
The individual stated the suspect entered the store and began harassing him and followed him out of the store.
According to the report, the suspect threatened to kill the individual.
• Greenhill Circle, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Still that the suspect came to her residence and started an altercation over the suspect’s boyfriend.
According to the report, the suspect then grabbed the resident by the throat. The suspect was gone when Deputy Still made it to the residence.
• Deputy Billingsly took a dog complaint from an individual who stated he was droppinng off a child for camp and noticed a woman in a silver jeep with a husky on a leash.
According to the report, a two year-old came up to the dog and was bitten on the face and was treated at the camp but didn’t need stitches.
The owner stated the dog has had his rabbies vaccination. Deputy Billingsly advised that the case would be a civil matter.
June 22
• Viney Creek Road, Sardis resident reported to Deputy House that some items were taken from his vehicle. According to the report, the items total a $620 value.
• Deputy Jones  responded to a family disturbance on River Road, Sardis.
The resident stated her boyfriend was at the residence and wanted to retrieve an air conditioner that belonged to him.
According to the report, the boyfriend dropped the air conditioner and threw a piece of wood in anger, hitting the resident on her hand. The resident stated she didn’t want to file charges.
• Deputy Lott investigated a family disturbance on Morrow road, Courtland involving two individuals from a June 20 incident that was investigated by Deputy Emily Griffin.
The resident stated he was tired of his son taking his property from the business they both equally own.
According to the report, the individual stated he was on his way to their business to kill his son.
The individual had two pistols in his pants which were turned over to Major Berry Thompson.
The individual was transported to the Panola County Sheriff’s Office for questioning.
• Union Road, Sardis resident reported $3,470 worth of stolen property to Deputy Lott.
June 23
• Investigator Beavers took a report from an individual stating that on Sunday, April 10 he entered the Curtis Union  Church and discovered broken glass in the floor of the auditorium.
According to the report, there was a small hole in the window and wall, consistent with a whole that a bullet would make.
June 24
• Highway 310, Como resident reported $660 of stolen property to Deputy Crawford.
According to the report, the resident has been having trouble with his mother and step dad and found the suspects in possession of the items which they returned to the resident.
•Deputy Jones took a report from a Dees Road resident who stated an unkown subject created an Amazon account in her name and charged $1,211 to the account.
According to the report, the incident was reported to Amazon and they are in the process of investigating it.
•Deputy Jones spoke to a Highway 51 South resident who reported his leaf blower was stolen.
According to the report, the leaf blower was stolen out of the back of her husband’s truck.
Deputy Jones entered the leaf blower on the National Crime Information Center.
Vehicle Accident Report
June 17
• Vehicle lost control on Snider Road. An injury was reported.
• Vehicle lost control on Carlisle Road
June 18
• Motorcycle crashed into another vehicle on Lucious Taylor Road.
• Two car crash on Sardis Lake Big Acres
June 19
• Vehicle lost control on Landfill Road. An injury was reported.
June 21
• Vehicle hit a deer on River Road.
June 22
• Hit and run at McDonald’s in Sardis.
June 23
• Two car crash on Butler Road.
• Hit and Run at the intersection of Henderson and Baker Road.
• Abandoned vehicle on Highway 310.
Juvenile Incident Report
• A 16 year-old found himself in trouble after being reported missing from Mount Olivet Road.

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