SP trustees vote to give assistants raise
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 26, 2015
By Rupert Howell
South Panola’s teacher assistants will get a raise beginning in the 2015-16 school year following trustee board action during Tuesday’s monthly meeting.
The issue of giving a raise to the teacher assistants was tabled during the previous month’s meeting when trustee Buddy Gray asked to see a comparison to the amount being paid teacher assistants in other districts. ”We’re paying better than majority of districts that surround us,” Superintendent Tim Wilder noted.
It was Gray who made the motion which passed unanimously that approved Superintendent Wilder’s recommendation that gives raises of $500 to $1,000 annually, depending on years of experience.
A starting assistant will receive $14,500 while an assistant with 15 or more years experience will receive $17,000.
Comparisons with other districts showed that South Panola paid more than most nearby districts with the exception of Oxford.
“You’ve seen our K-3 reading results,” Wilder reminded trustees. “They (teacher assistants) play a big part. We need to invest in our people as well as the facilities.”
Gray said every teacher wants an assistant.
“We just can’t afford it. They work hard.”