Flint Letter to Editor 8/1/2014

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 1, 2014

Type 1 diabetes patient advocate appreciates research, support

I have lived with type 1 diabetes for over 45 years. 

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Managing my diabetes can be challenging, involving constant monitoring of my blood sugar levels and keying in amounts of medication using an insulin pump device many times each day.  While I am vigilant about my health, I am at risk of experiencing serious complications from this disease, including seizures, coma, blindness, stroke, kidney failure, and heart problems.

 Thanks to the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), I have seen the evolution of treatments and technology that making living with this disease healthier and safer. The SDP has invested in the artificial pancreas, which is now in the FDA pipeline and automatically detects and adjusts the user’s blood sugar levels. 

Having access to such technology would alleviate much of the worry and stress that people with diabetes and their families face on a daily basis. Better technology will also lead to improved health outcomes, saving our state and health systems costs from costly and painful complications.

 I would like to thank Representatives Thompson and Nunnelee as well Senators Cochran and Wicker for their tremendous support of the SDP and the FDA’s progress on the artificial pancreas.  I am hopeful for a safer, healthier future and a better economy from preventing costly complications.  

To learn more about research and resources, or to become involved as an advocate to find the cure, please contact me at jbflint@cableone.net or the Mississippi Chapter of The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at 601-981-1184 or jdrf.org <http://jdrf.org>   

Janet Bryson Flint,
