Police still seeking suspects in Sunday home invasion 1/7/2014
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 7, 2014
By Rupert Howell
A home invasion by two males on King Street Sunday resulted in theft of $5 and two women scared according to an incident report filed by Batesville Police Officer Jon Horton.
The report stated that Horton and Lt. Kerry Pittman responded and learned that a familiar male was let into the home where the two women were sitting on the couch watching TV.
“… The subject entered the house and pushed the door nearly closed behind him,” the report stated and continues, “Another … male kicked the door open and entered the house… holding a handgun.”
The report went on to state that second male was wearing all black clothing and a black mask.
“(He) grabbed her by the arm and forced her onto the couch,” where the other woman was seated. One of the unidentified women quoted in the report stated the male was holding a gun to her head and demanding she give him her money.
The report continues that during a struggle one of the women was able to get away from the armed male and run to the rear of the house. The other woman managed to exit the house through the rear door and run to a neighbor’s house and call 911.
Both victim and witness described the intruders as black males, one about 5’4” weighing 140-150 pounds and the armed intruder about 6’, weighing 170-180 pounds.
Detective Jeremiah Brown was called to further investigate as was Med-Stat ambulance to check the health and injuries of both women.
Other incident reports over the weekend included: police being dispatched to Noble Street last Friday to investigate vandalism to a red Ford Mustang. The car was parked at 7 a.m. and when the owner returned at 2:15 p.m., she noticed scratches on sides, trunk and hood along with a rip on the convertible soft top.
Also Friday, Lt. Ruby Myers’ report indicated a man’s Regions checking account had an unauthorized $200 withdrawal. Bank officials were asked to see who had made the withdrawal.
Officer Justin Davis’ incident report of Saturday, January 4 indicated that a wallet had been stolen from McDonald’s while an employee was working. The wallet was pink and blue with plaid strips. The wallet’s contents included two Regions bank cards, driver’s license and flash drive.
Officer Horton was dispatched to Pearson Street Sunday where a vehicle was reported stolen and thought to have left the driveway around 4:10 a.m. after being parked there around 3:45 a.m.
A “smoke gray Mercury Grand Marquis that is missing one hub cap,” was the description given according to the report. But the owner could not provide VIN or license number. He was advised to contact BPD with title or tag number.
Officer Jeremy Hailey’s report of Sunday, January 5 revealed that a Wal-Mart employee suspected vandalism to a tire. According to the report the car was parked at 9 a.m. At 4:30 p.m. “everything was as she left it,” according to the report, but “At 6 p.m. she went to her car and heard air blowing.”
“She could tell that the tire had been cut,” the report stated.
Also, Sunday, Lt. Myers was summoned to Pearson Street to My Three Sons detail shop where a window was broken on the south side of the building. The owner reported a long stick lying close to the window and said subjects were apparently hanging around the shop because he has seen beer bottles lying around.
The owner asked police to keep check on the building as he is often gone.