Rupert Howell column 10-26-12

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 26, 2012

‘Stealth PAC’ attack on Phillips represents worst of ‘scorched-earth’ politics

Sources have reported that a “stealth attack” political action committee (PAC) has purchased $356,000 worth of north Mississippi TV time to run ads against local attorney Flip Phillips in his bid for Mississippi Supreme Court Justice from the northern district. They started this week.

Law Enforcement Alliance of America PAC has set its sights on Mississippi before. In 2008 ran ad against a sitting justice—an ad picked apart by and condemned by other Mississippi media. And don’t let the name fool you, no local member of law enforcement is behind this or claims support for this organization.

The LEAA websites states—

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“With a major focus on public education, LEAA is dedicated to providing hard facts and real-world insights into the world of law enforcement and the battle against violent crime. LEAA fights at every level of government for legislation that reduces violent crime while preserving the rights of honest citizens, particularly the right of self-defense.”

To that I say, “horse-hockey.”

This organization is trying to buy this election through deceptive advertising.

Nowhere do the ads mention either candidates’ experience or qualifications—they attack Phillips by associating him with the bottom feeders of his profession. The withering, anonymous diatribe represents the lowest of scorched-earth politics and threatens to undermine representative democracy as we know it.
The LEAA website states their directors, “help guide this organization in to a crowded field of individuals, politicians, hidden political agendas and competing groups who want to ban our guns, raid our privacy, and sully the U.S. Constitution.”

They help guide misinformation to the masses so they will have an unrealistic view of a candidate, who he is and what he stands for.

I wonder where their money comes from?