Featured Story – Dr. Pruitt

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 14, 2012

Louise Land presents a birthday cake to Dr. David Pruitt during last Wednesday’s Rotary Club meeting in Como. The retired dentist operated a practice in Como until 1992 and remains active in Rotary. Photo provided

Retired Como dentist honored

Last Wednesday the Como Rotary Club held a special meeting, celebrating club member David “Doc” Pruitt’s 90th birthday. Originally from south Alabama, Doc Pruitt came to Como in 1949 at the age of 27.  

“My sister lived here and I came to visit,” said Pruitt.  

He eventually married and remained in the area when he was hired as a dentist in Como.  

Serving all the surrounding counties, Pruitt cared for hundreds of people over the years, particularly those workers from plantations. He interned under Dr. M.P. Meacham of Batesville and practiced in Como until 1992 when he retired.  

“Doc was known as ‘Painless Pruitt’ and he doctored many people.  Personally, I don’t remember him being painless,” said Bill Wallace who spoke to the group – and elicited a laugh as well.

Pruitt also served during World War II and eventually was captured by the Germans. “Everybody knows Doc Pruitt was a POW during the war,” said Wallace.

Pruitt still lives in Como and attends the weekly Rotary meetings.  A man of few words these days, Pruitt’s presence however is largely felt and gratefully acknowledged by many for his service, both locally and for the country.