ND Fastpitch

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 20, 2012

ND fastpitch team starts practice; football to finish summer workouts

By Myra Bean

North Delta state runner up fastpitch team has been doing some summer workouts while head coach Damon Plummer has been working on the facility.

Plummer has installed a batting cage and pitching lanes using some turf that once graced the Ole Miss fields.

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“I can pitch all four of my pitchers at once,” he said. “We can even work on some live bunting.”

Around the batting cages, the varsity team members teamed up to do some live pitch practicing and practice batting off a homemade tee built from a water faucet.

The junior high players were practicing with assistant coach Hayley Plummer on fielding and throwing on the field. Plummer will also be a student coach at Blue Mountain College.

Some facilities work includes a new backstop and the first base dugout will become the home dugout. The dugout has been extended due to the number of players and a new storage shed is under construction.

North Delta held a football camp on Tuesday with approximately 50 participants.

After the morning session, the participants saw film on their workouts and discussed what they saw.

“They were really alert, attentive and answered questions,” said head coach Brandon Ciaramitaro, who conducted the camp and took a few minutes to explain what the varsity team is looking forward to the next few weeks.

The varsity football team will finish summer conditioning starting Monday.

Two-a-days has been cut to only one week so on June 30, the team will meet at 7:30 a.m. for film study and be on the field by 8 a.m.

The junior high will start at 10:15 a.m. each morning and the varsity will resume field work at 5:30 p.m. for the week.

At the conclusion of the week, the team will host a scrimmage Saturday, August 4 at 10 a.m.

On Thursday, August 9, the team will participate in the Kirk Jamboree and open the season Friday, August 17, at home against Clarksdale Lee.