What freedom means?

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Panolian asked, “What does freedom mean to you?”

By Clint Roberson

I don’t believe one can think about the meaning of freedom without thinking about the price of freedom. Freedom   is afforded to us with the high price of death.  God gave his only Son to death to free us from eternal damnation.

Likewise, our flag is stained with the blood, sweat, and tears of those who came before us.

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It is stained with the blood of those who died on the battlefield defending our freedom.  

It is wet with the tears of those who have mourned the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price for us to be free.  

It is also stained with the sweat of great Americans who made America the most powerful nation in the world. People like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford.  

People who were free from oppression to be great and do great things.

So… What does freedom mean to me?   Freedom means I can get up in the morning, enjoy a good cup of coffee, and go endeavor to make a living and provide for my family.  

Or…to attend the church of my choice and worship my God.

Or…do nothing and enjoy being….FREE.

By Melissa Meek-Phelps

As I reflect on Independence Day, and the rights and freedoms that came forth from that original day in 1776, I am reminded of the many battles fought for that declaration to withstand the wars of time.

I am thankful for the bravery and heroism of the many women and men who gave of themselves to help keep our freedoms.

For me, freedom means endless opportunities. Each day we have the opportunity to make a difference, big or small, in the world around us. When we fail to take advantage of our opportunities, we fail those who struggled and sacrificed for our American  liberties.

Freedom means “paying it forward’ in the choice to contribute to the freedoms of our future, and making our own sacrifice for a better tomorrow.  

What Freedom means to me?  “… life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

By Sherry Hopkins

I am blessed to live in a country where freedom is prized.

I too value the freedom to make my own choices. I can choose to live and work and shop where I please.

I can freely vote for candidates that most closely align with my ideals.

I can openly express my own views without fear of government persecution.

But the most important freedom I possess is the freedom to worship my God openly and in my own way.

I never take my liberties lightly and always remember the men and women who have fought tirelessly for my freedoms.