City Court 10-7-11
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 7, 2011
By Emily Williams
Judge Jay Westfaul sentenced several defendants to jail time after failing to pay their old fines during Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday.
Rickey Jones, 1791 Gin Rd., Batesville, had old fines of $2,519 that have been due since December 2009. The judge told Jones to serve time in jail until the fines can be paid.
Demetrius Williams, 2395 Nash Rd., Batesville, had old fines of $1,213 that have been due since October 2009. He also had new fines of $330 for no seat belt and no driver’s license.
He was sentenced to 60 days in jail with credit for the five days he already served.
Keith Holmes, 4150 Woodruff Rd., Courtland, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for old fines of $734 that have been due since February 2009.
He had new fines of $796 for expired tag and no proof of insurance.
Quenesha Vaughn, 106 Warren, Batesville, failed to complete the work program for old fines of $890 that have been due since June 2011. The judge told her to pay her fines immediately.
She was sentenced to jail but received a reprieve since she is pregnant with complications until after the baby is delivered.
Marcus T. Lee, 206 Tubbs, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana in a vehicle and was fined $650.
Kourtney Blandford, 422 Hickory Hill, Batesville, had a case continued for possession of paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance.
Alton McCain, 16 Pecan Grove, Batesville, failed to appear to answer a possession of marijuana charge. A warrant for his arrest was issued.
Joanna Kelson, 3810 Lucious Taylor, Como, paid her fines of $325 in full prior to court for embezzlement.
Kendra Little, 155 MLK No. 14, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to domestic violence-simple assault. She was fined $395.
Iantea Lee, 1731 Anderson No. 30, Oxford, had a simple assault case dismissed after the affiant, Jerrica Hamilton failed to appear to prosecute.
Shakiffany Powell, 227 Vance, Batesville, had a case dismissed for simple assault after the affiant, Jerrica Hamilton failed to appear to prosecute.
She also had old fines of $472 that have been due since July 2010.
Jessica L. Jennings, 1630 Milton Peggs, Lambert, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting. She was fined $1,124.
Kristina Davis, 6885 Sandboren, Olive Branch, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting. She was fined $1,124.
Elizabeth McKinley, Charleston, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting-second offense. She was fined $1,124 and sentenced to 10 days with nine days credit for the time she already served in jail.
Karnesha Thomas, 1304 Elliot Dr., Oxford, failed to appear to answer shoplifting charges (second offense). A-One Bonding was notified.
Justin Mister, had fines of $1,325 for trespassing, disorderly conduct-interfering with a business, false information and contempt of court-failure to appear.
He was told to have his fines paid in full within 30 days.
Jeremy Harris, 132 Martinez, Batesville, was fined $954 for possession of marijuana in a vehicle and open container.
Cases set for trial
James Scott, Lake Dr., Como, entered a not guilty plea to simple possession of controlled substance. A trial was set.
Jeremy Wright, 116 Cole Dr., Batesville, had a case heard in his absence for possession of marijuana and old fines of $452 that has been due since April 2011.
Wright was found guilty after Officer Ruby Myers and Officer Maples gave testimonies.
Evelyn Baskins, 598 East Lee, Sardis, failed to appear to answer shoplifting-second offense charges and old fines of $541 that were due on October 5.
She had a warrant issued for her arrest.
Ciara Dogan, 73 Marshall Rd., Charleston, was found guilty of shoplifting during a case set for trial. She was fined $1,124.
Velma Dogan, 242 Estridge No. 2, Charleston, was found guilty of shoplifting. She was fined $1,124.
Cassandra Dorsey, 111 James Black Cove, Olive Branch, was given a lower fine of $194 for no proof of insurance.
Dexter Thomas, 330 Hayes St., Batesville, was fined $794 for careless driving and no proof of insurance.
Terrance D. Griffin, 2004 McNeely, Courtland, was fined $964 for driving while license suspended and no proof of insurance.
Latorie Latrelle Floyd, 361 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was fined $1,091 for no proof of insurance and no driver’s license.
Curtis Burnett Jr., 74 Hawkins Rd., Courtland, was fined $575 for reckless driving and driving while license suspended.