City Court 9-23-11

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 23, 2011

Municipal judge refers four defendants to grand jury

By Emily Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie referred four cases to the Panola County Grand Jury during Batesville Municipal Court held on Wednesday.

Tyrone Hailton, 106 Goodhaven, Batesville, was bound over to the grand jury for grand larceny. He also had old fines of $572 that have been due since July 2009.

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Eric Henderson, 818 Bethlehem, Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for felony possession of controlled substance, DUI and careless driving.

Rachel Webster, 754 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for attempted arson.

Renae Melton, 698 Cold Springs, Sardis, was referred to the grand jury for prescription forgery.

She had old fines of $960 that have been due since September 2008.

Eric Williams, 105 Goodhaven, Batesville, paid his fines in full prior to court for contempt of court-old fines of $990 that have been due since November 2009 and for a fine of $152 for loud music.

Shaquana Harris, 4060 Curtis Rd., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana and was fined $420.

Andrea Dillon, 178 W Oakhill, Batesville, failed to appear to answer a charge of possession of marijuana in a vehicle.

Jeremy Wright, 116 Cole Dr., Batesville, had a trial set for October 12 on a charge of possession of marijuana

“They found a blunt under the mattress. I was laying on the bed, but it was not in my possession,” said Wright.

He also had old fines of $452 that have been due since April 2011 and a fine of $420 for possession of controlled substance (felony charge reduced to misdemeanor).

All of his fines are due on his court date.

Dwan Anderson, 4086 Curtis Rd., Batesville, had a warrant issued for his arrest after he failed to appear in court to answer shoplifting charges.
Al Williams Bonding was notified.

Brittany Spraglin, 406 S Franklin, Charleston, entered a guilty plea to shoplifting and was fined $1,124.

Velma Dogan, 242 Estridge, Charleston, entered a not guilty plea to shoplifting. A trial was set for October 5.

Ciara Dogan, 73 Marshall Rd., Charleston, entered a not guilty plea to shoplifting. A trial was set for October 5.

Evelyn Baskins, 598 E Lee, Sardis, entered a not guilty plea to shoplifting (second offense) and had a trial set for October 5.

She also had old fines of $541 that have been due since February 2008.

The judge told her to have her old fines paid in full by her court date or serve 90 days in jail.

Catherine Bright, 211 Hill, Lockport, Ill., was found guilty of false reporting of a crime. She was fined $624.

Samuel Kendall, 126 Hemlock, Batesville, failed to appear to answer a simple assault charge. The affiant was in court.

Fredrick Cosby, 211 Vance, Batesville, had a trial for simple assault set for October 12.

Nicosia Griffin, 475 Greenbriar, Courtland, had a case for simple assault dismissed after the affiant, Nikki Smith, failed to appear to prosecute.
She also had old fines of $472 that have been due since July 2010.

Iesha Griffin, 425 Greenbriar, Courtland, entered a not guilty plea to malicious mischief. A trial was set for October 12.

Willie B. Ellis Jr., 1039 Hawkins, Courtland, entered guilty pleas to disorderly conduct-failure to comply, open container and public drunk. He was fined $1,132.
MDOC had a hold on him.

Johnny Youngblood, 407 Alcorn, Sardis, entered the city’s work program for 30 days in lieu of paying $1,696 for old fines that have been due since July 2010.

Brenda Jackson, failed to appear to answer felony false identification, shoplifting and false information. She also had old fines of $2,296 for contempt of court-failure to appear in 2002 for four counts of shoplifting.

Cases set for trial

Quinterrius Smith, 203 Fisher, Batesville, had a petit larceny charge dismissed after the affiant, Lashunda McMiller, failed to appear.

Alma Nelson, 1053 Hawkins, Courtland, was fined $305 for simple assault after a short trial.

Malcom Benson, 124 Martinez, Batesville, had a petit larceny case dismissed after the affiant, Shakevia Andrews, failed to appear to prosecute.


Lillie B. Doyle, 1371 Panola Apts., Batesville, was fined $629 for no seat belt and no proof of insurance.

Christopher R. Davis, 1600 Evansville Rd., Sarah, was fined $202 for no tag.