Enid Lake

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 16, 2011

Physically challenged day 2011 ruled a success at Enid Lake

By Enid Lake Park Rangers

Fishing Day for the Physically Challenged

On September 10, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Chickasaw Hill Volunteer Association held the 20th Annual Physically Challenged Fishing Day at Chickasaw Hill Recreation Area.

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Thirty-two physically challenged individuals ranging from small children to older adults turned out for the event. Over fifty volunteers along with over 80 friends and family members were also on hand for the event.

The day was favored with great weather and fellowship. Everyone enjoyed a beautiful and successful morning of fishing that was followed by a fabulous fish fry and the awarding of door prizes.

The Chickasaw Hill Volunteer Association along with residents from the local community provided pontoons boats, bait, and poles for the fishing trip, and all the essentials for a first class fish fry.

During the event volunteers not only provided boats, fishing equipment and food for the fish fry, but they assisted participants in loading and unloading boats, took participants fishing and prepared lunch.
This event is held annually to give individuals, who do not have the everyday opportunity, a chance to enjoy the great outdoors along with one of the most enjoyed recreational sports: fishing.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Enid Lake would like to thank all sponsors and volunteers for donations, time and hard work. Without the sponsors and volunteers, the Annual Physically Challenged Fishing Day would not be possible.

Hunting and Fishing Day Scheduled for September 24

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Enid Lake would like to invite everyone to “Hunting and Fishing Day” scheduled at Riverview Recreation Area located below the dam at Enid Lake on Saturday, September 24.

Activities will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. The day will be filled with hunting, fishing and outdoor exhibits, musical entertainment, a fishing rodeo, 3-D Archery Tournament sponsored by Grenada Bow Hunters, demonstrations and speakers, arts and crafts vendors, events for children, concession stands, and prize give a-ways.

A youth fishing rodeo will begin at 8 a.m. Young anglers between the ages of 3-15 may participate in the event. Only cane poles equipped with one hook will be allowed during the event.  

Enid Park Rangers encourage all participants to bring their own fishing gear including: cane poles, fishing tackle, stringers and bait. A limited amount of cane poles and bait will be available onsite.

Participants found using casting style fishing poles, treble hooks, or multiple hooks will be asked to leave the event.

We encourage everyone to come and experience the great outdoors.  This is a great opportunity to get the younger generation outdoors, where they will learn about Enid Lake’s natural resources and the importance of protecting those resources for future generations.

Special Deer Hunt

Enid Lake is now accepting applications for the Special Deer Hunt at Springdale Wildlife Management Area.  Applications for the hunt may be obtained from Enid Lake Field Office or from public service announcements published in area newspapers. All applications must be returned to Enid Lake Field Office and received no later than 9 a.m., October 17.  

For more information on Enid Lake Events please contact the Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571 or visit www.mvk.usace.army.mil/Lakes/ms/enid/ .