Bobby Jefcoat letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 27, 2011

Letter to the editor

Veterans win with ruling by Appeals Court

Memorial time should be a part of every day, but with Memorial Day next week, it’s time to remember on that special day those who have given their life in service to our Nation.

Two more killed today in Afghanistan. What we don’t see in the news media is those who are silently dying from hidden battlefield wounds.

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A recent story in the New York Times, “Victory for Veterans,” which  can be found at,  reports a recent ruling by the Ninth Federal Court of Appeals which castigates our leaders for failing to provide needed help for returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan who have Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Injury.

These conditions are resulting in a suicide rate of 18 veterans per DAY. The court decision is to force Congress, the VA, and the Administration to start providing help for these vets before it’s too late. As seen in the article, it’s taking up to four years or longer to process a claim for these vets. Approximately one million claims are waiting in line to be processed.

We can’t fight these wars without counting ALL the costs! I’m writing hoping these vets who are dying every day will be remembered on Memorial Day. I believe these are no different than battlefield deaths. Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers, especially during the day of remembrance on Monday, May 31.


Bobby Jefcoat