Sharil Brown letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Letter to the editor

Island resident blasts Harpole column as ‘waste of space’

I enjoy reading The Panolian and find the newspaper to be quite informative for the most part. However, I do not understand the Ricky Harpole column (Isle of Floyd committee outlines plans for incorporation,’ Oct. 19).

The column seems to be a waste of space that could be better served with articles on the schools, the county or anything that would serve as good reading instead of nonsense.

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The article Mr. Harpole wrote was crazy and offensive to me as I live on this island. We do have a few crazy people but for the most part we don’t live in the nonsense world Mr. Harpole wrote about.

The one main item in this article I objected to was jokingly making Ronnie Thompson dog catcher. I think we wouldn’t have a dog problem to begin with if he would quit picking up dogs and bringing them to the island and turning them loose for the residents to deal with.

I think if he is going to pick dogs up he needs to find them a home or take them to a shelter.

As for Mr. Harpole, we would better serve the island by writing about the awful water we have and how we are having to haul water to live.

Sharil Brown
Floyd’s Island