Byars Letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 23, 2010

Agrees with Ivy, mascot meddling gone too far

I agree with Taylor Ivy. What else do “these” people want of Ole Miss and us who love it? To me, it appears that some people are trying to kill the spirit of Ole Miss.

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These people have taken away our mascot and our anthem. What is wrong with Dixie?

We live in Dixie and I am so proud to live in Dixie.

Next, I am waiting for them to make us change our great Ole Miss nickname.

I see nothing wrong with Col. Reb. He has been with us many years and is known world wide and respected like many of us.

I have a Col. Reb banner and will fly it all my life for I am proud to be a Mississippian and a fan of all that Ole Miss stands for.

Who are you that takes away our freedom? You are no better than me and I am appalled. Yay Col. Reb and all you have been to us and will always be in our hearts.

Give us the freedom we deserve.


Sara Byars