Como PD

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Como PD wants car cameras

By John Howell Sr.

The Como Police Department plans to purchase in-car video camera systems for two patrol cars, Police Chief Fred Boskey told city officials during his report to the town’s mayor and board of aldermen at their meeting Tuesday, May 4.

The purchase utilizes funds made available through a COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) grant to Como in 2006. Boskey described features of a system that “will best suit our needs,” that costs $3,895 per car plus installation at the state contract price.

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Boskey said that he had also received a quote for security cameras at the town hall and police department building. Premier Computers submitted the only quote for $7,142. The other vendor Boskey contacted did not submit a bid, he said.

The police chief told the mayor, aldermen and citizens who attended the May 4 meeting that the department currently operates with four full-time officers and five part-time. During April, officers made 19 arrests plus traffic citations, Boskey said.

“The department is moving forward very nicely; the staff is working well with the new LEAP reporting program and police records are finally coming under control where we can find something when we need it,” the police chief told city officials and citizens who filled the meeting room at the Como library.

LEAP is the Law Enforcement Accounting Program, also purchased and implemented through COPS grant funds. The program generates all forms, affidavits and paperwork used by the department, “makes a record of it and stores it,” the police chief said in an interview following the meeting.

Boskey also presented a list of street lights needing repair in Como municipal limits. Officers have marked the poles holding the lights with yellow police tape, he said. Entergy is repairing the lights, Boskey added.

Officers have also surveyed town streets to determine where street signs need to be repair or replaced, the police chief continued. Boskey gave the town’s elected officials a list identifying locations where stop signs, speed limit signs, “Slow Children” signs, and “No ATV on Roadway” signs need to be located or replaced.

Boskey said that implementation of the “Como Cares” program had been delayed by stormy weather. The program is an attempt to gather information about Como’s elderly and other people with special needs.

Police are often the first to arrive when emergencies occur, Boskey said when he announced the program in March. Knowing where people who need assistance are located helps speed assistance, he said.

“Do we have radar?” someone asked from the audience.

“No, ma’am. We’re not allowed,” the police chief replied.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because we don’t have enough road surface and population,” Boskey said.

Boskey then fielded a question about plans for summer law enforcement in problem areas where fights break out.

“Could you be a little more specific?” the police chief asked.

“Church Street Extended,” the questioner replied.

“Yeah!,” interjected another member of the audience, Curtis Walton.

Boskey said that the area indicated has been his focus along with that of Deputy Police Chief Harold Lewis.

“Lately it’s a cop been sitting there off and on,” said a lady who is a resident of the area. “I know that it has got better,” she added.

“Them fellows will sit there and watch (the) police,” said a resident of the apartments near the problem location. “When (the) police leave they’ll come in then and they’ll start trouble. That’s the reason they’ve (the police) been getting so many phone calls because we’ll call them and tell them it’s fixing to start,” the apartment resident continued.