911 System Repairs

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Board declares emergency to speed 911 system repairs 

By Rupert Howell

Panola County Emergency Management Director Daniel Cole told supervisors Monday that the E-911 system should be up and running by Thursday following storm damage that occurred when lightning struck the dispatch building affecting it and the nearby jail Sunday, March 27.

Sheriff dispatchers are working from a mobile communications trailer at the jail and a sheriff’s department dispatcher is handling 911 calls from Batesville Police Department.

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Supervisors formalized a “Declaration of Emergency” Monday which authorizes Emergency Services Director Daniel Cole and Sheriff Otis Griffin to proceed with replacing equipment without going through a lengthy bidding process that could take up to 30 days.

Cole told supervisors that competitive quotes were being obtained and the equipment purchased to replace the damaged 10-year-old equipment is being upgraded with current technology.

He estimated that replacement cost would be around $150,000 at the communications center with a total of approximately $250,000 in damages once the nearby jail’s losses have been added.

Cole also asked supervisors to approve hiring Terry Lee Bryant as assistant Emergency Management Coordinator. Bryan was currently serving as jailer under Sheriff Griffin with whom Cole had consulted prior to the recommendation.

Cole reported to supervisors additional weather damage that incurred at the EMA building in Sardis during early morning hours Saturday. He said that North Panola School gymnasium was also damaged as well as a church on Harmonia Road and three houses.