John Howell Column

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 2, 2010

John Howell Sr.

Readership strong, local attention focused here

Like many of you, this newspaper is faced with challenges during this period of economic downturn. Look at the number of pages in this issue and the number of ads they contain if you’re in doubt.

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Yet the readership figures that we continually monitor (along with a shrinking balance in our checking account) give us reason to believe in what we’re doing and remain hopeful (the readership figures, not the checking account balance).

Readership of our printed edition remains strong — about 5,700 paid per issue, plus the papers we deliver to schools on Fridays. Drive by our parking lot on Highway 51 about 9 p.m. Monday or Thursday nights and watch for a few minutes. You’ll see how many people come out and buy a single copy just because they can’t wait for the mail to deliver their news the next day.

Readership of exceeds 4,000 unique visitors most days. At this writing about 2:30 p.m. Monday, 2,374 different computers have visited our web site today.

There is no concentration of peoples’ attention in this county greater than on these pages and on our web site. Period.

 That’s the strength of readership that we will be reminding our advertisers about during coming weeks. There’s no place where you can buy more attention for your business or service from potential local customers than on these pages and on our web site.

Local news is what we sell. We sell it in our newspaper and online. Your advertisement — the news you want people to know about your business — becomes part of a package welcomed into the homes of this county. It helps you to sell your goods and services and also helps underwrite continued news coverage of Panola County. Helps us and helps you too. That’s win-win and a good business to be it!