Panola land commission
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 12, 2009
By Billy Davis
Panola County’s land development commission voted down a request by Memphis Stone and Gravel to establish a 200-acre gravel pit in the Eureka community.
The commission, meeting Monday night in Batesville, voted 6 to 3 to turn down the request.
Commissioner Lana Douglas made a motion to turn down the request. She was seconded by Donna Traywick. Douglas and Traywick then voted for the motion along with commissioners Danny Jones, Sledge Taylor, and Verna Hunter. Chairman Danny Walker also voted for the motion.
Voting against the motion were Bob Haltom, Tim Holiday and Johnny Fowler.
Commissioner Jewel Titus was absent.
Memphis Stone was requesting a special exception permit, which would allow the mining operation in an area zoned agricultural.
Memphis Stone can appeal the land commission???s decision to supervisors, and is expected to do so, within a 10-day deadline.
Look in The Panolian Friday for an expanded story about the land commission’s decision.