Billy Davis Column

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 27, 2009

Billy Davis

Democrats and daffodils both plentiful in Panola

Panola County is awash in two things, daffodils and Democrats, and probably always will be.

The daffodil, a bulb plant from the genus Narcissus, thrives in our yards in springtime.

As many as 200 species of daffodils have been identified, and individual cultivars number 25,000, according to the American Daffodil Society.

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In the South, the daffodil emerges during late winter, in windy and wet March weather. The sight of daffodils is a hopeful sign. It tells me that winter is dying away and spring, and Easter, crappie fishing, and backyard cookouts are on the way.

Daffodils are hardy and reliable. Left alone, they pop up when it’s time to pop up, and they retreat below the ground when it’s time to hibernate for nine more months.

Democrats are a lot like Daffodils. Like the Daffodil, Democrats, of the genus Democrat ‘til I die family, can be relied upon to show up when the time is right, which is Election Day. Then they seem to go back home, and continue their lives, until the polls open for the next race for President or coroner, and they repeat the process all over again.

It’s like washing your hair: stand in line, mark “D” on ballot, rinse, then repeat.

It’s probably a slight to you Democrats, but the belief among many Republicans is that you pay little attention to what’s going on between elections. The reasoning, to continue that line of thought, is that you must pay little attention to politics or else you wouldn’t vote Democrat.

That may sound silly, or downright offensive, but it’s what they believe.

If you as a Democrat are offended by that view, then by all means start a dialogue with a self-professed Republican. Rattle off the Democratic Party’s talking points on the merits of Card Check, the stimulus bill, and bringing back the Assault Weapons Ban. Or describe your opposition to the Mexico City policy, which our President reversed during his first week in office.

If you are still offended by the Republicans’ stereotyping, then here is a test case for you: U.S. Rep. Travis Childers. He is the freshman congressman from Mississippi whose 1st District includes Panola County.

Congressman Childers sits on the House Second Amendment Task Force, a pro-gun, bipartisan coalition that monitors firearm-related legislation. In a March letter to the President and the House Speaker, the task force voiced its opposition to Congress reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban.

“The inaccurately described ‘assault weapons’ ban is a failed policy that threatens the rights of gun owners nationwide,” Childers said in a statement.

Congressman Childers is also a member of the Blue Dogs, a coalition of 49 House congressmen who espouse a philosophy of fiscal conservatism.

The latest news from the Blue Dogs is that they are speaking out against the spending plans of their leader in the White House. Their opposition has raised the ire of the Campaign for America’s Future, which has announced it is targeting the Blue Dogs for opposing the president’s economic agenda.

Childers also recently announced he will oppose “Card Check,” the pro-union legislation that would eliminate secret ballots for organizing a union.

If the Democrats are disagreeing over budget matters, union organizing and the Second Amendment, where does that leave local Democrats who voted for Childers and for the President?

I really, really wonder. If it’s second nature for a Democrat to bypass the “R” and vote for the “D,” regardless of the circumstances, what happens when they’re confronted with a Democrat who votes with the Republicans? Do you blame the Republicans?

The dilemma of loyal Democrats reminds me of the film “O Brother, Where Art Thou,” when Everett and Delmar, after escaping prison with Pete, were arguing over who was the leader.

After Everette voted for himself, and Delmar voted for himself, that left Pete to decide who would lead the threesome as they fled the authorities.

“Okay,” Pete replies, “I’m with you fellers.”