Hood Letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 3, 2009

To the editor:

Well in his first week President Obama did exactly as promised.

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So far he:

1. Opened up federal money for abortions worldwide, I guess 50 million and counting isn’t enough.

2. Declared the War on Terror as being over and that we would not go to the ends of the earth to track down terrorists. He even stated that terrorists have the Miranda rights that citizens have! Exactly where are the prisoners of Gitmo going? Are we going to turn them loose to kill more Americans? Yes, we are.

3. We are going to spend our way our of a recession. How does that work? The best part is we will have a tax cheat leading the department. I owe you $50, so let me borrow $100 from you and then I will pay you the $50 I owe?

4. Said we will talk to Hamas, that little terrorist group currently fighting Israel. We have been talking to terrorists since the Carter administration and where has it gotten us?

I write these things because you should be very concerned. In only one week he has turned the terrorists loose, is going to bankrupt the economy and okayed murdering more babies.

Mark my words we will be hit again within his four years on U.S. soil. If nothing else, they will not be able to blame that one on Bush.

If anyone truly thinks this man or his family consider themselves African American you need to look a little closer. He needed the votes so he played the part. Michelle is already in trouble for not even wearing clothing designed by African Americans, so where is the support? President Bush had more African Americans in his administration than Obama has.

I don’t have the space to even talk about “Pew” losi, Harry “Red” Reid or “Crazy” Joe Biden.

/s/Steven Hood
